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Mol Immunol 1993 Oct 01;3014:1249-56. doi: 10.1016/0161-5890(93)90040-i.
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Characterization of Xenopus laevis complement factor I structure--conservation of modular structure except for an unusual insert not present in human factor I.

Kunnath-Muglia LM , Chang GH , Sim RB , Day AJ , Ezekowitz RA .

Factor I (C3b/C4b inactivator) is a regulatory protein of the classical and alternative complement pathways. In this paper, we report the sequence of Xenopus factor I cDNA and the deduced protein structure. The basic structure of human preprofactor I, NH2-heavy chain-cleavage peptide-light chain-COOH, is conserved in the frog. However, the frog heavy chain contains a highly charged segment of 29 amino acids, encoded by a poly dA-rich mRNA insert, which is not found in human factor I. The modular structure of the frog heavy chain was analyzed, and found to differ vis-à-vis previously published analyses of human factor I. We also evaluate the timing of factor I transcription during frog embryogenesis.

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??? Mol Immunol