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Biochimie 1995 Jan 01;779:744-50. doi: 10.1016/0300-9084(96)88192-2.
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A family of homologous substrate-binding proteins with a broad range of substrate specificity and dissimilar biological functions.

Wu LF , Mandrand-Berthelot MA .

The uptake of peptides is accomplished mainly by a family of homologous oligopeptide or dipeptide transporters in bacteria. Computer-aided sequence analyses expand members of the oligopeptide-binding protein family to nickel and heme permeases and other proteins, including an enzyme hyaluronate synthase. They are involved in human pathogenicity, bacterial virulence, substrate-sensing, bacterial conjugation and bacterial metabolic reactions distinct from nutrient uptake. These homologous proteins are found in both purple bacteria and Gram-positive bacteria, indicating the presence of a common ancestor before the appearance of the two eubacterial phyla. Nevertheless, the pheromone-binding proteins, involved in bacterial conjugation, and the hyaluronate synthase are present only in the low G-C Gram-positive eubacteria subdivision, which suggests that these proteins diverged from the common ancestor after the appearance of this subdivision.

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??? Biochimie