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Lab Anim 1995 Jul 01;293:339-44.
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Microchip implant system used for animal identification in laboratory rabbits, guineapigs, woodchucks and in amphibians.

Mrozek M , Fischer R , Trendelenburg M , Zillmann U .

Traditional methods for animal identification have a number of drawbacks. We evaluated a new system for individual identification using microchip implants in rabbits, guineapigs, woodchucks (Marmota monax) and amphibians (Xenopus laevis, Pleurodeles waltlii). Implantation procedure and long-term observations are described. Microchip implants proved to be a practicable and reliable system for animal identification without obvious adverse effects. The applicability of electronic animal identification in comparison with common methods and with regard to animal welfare and legal aspects is discussed.

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??? Lab Anim