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Pflugers Arch 1996 Mar 01;4315:736-40. doi: 10.1007/bf02253837.
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Activation of ATP-sensitive potassium channels in follicle-enclosed xenopus oocytes by the epileptogenic agent pentylenetetrazol.

Klöcker N , Musshoff U , Madeja M , Speckmann EJ .

For further investigation of the epileptogenic properties of pentylenetetrazol (PTZ), membrane currents elicited by PTZ were analysed in native Xenopus oocytes. PTZ elicited a sequence of membrane currents. Two inward currents have been described to be due to a decrease in potassium permeability and an increase in chloride permeability. Experiments performed up to 3 days after preparation of the oocytes showed that PTZ is also able to activate an outward current. This current is: (1) reversed near the potassium equilibrium potential, (2) associated with a decrease in membrane resistance, (3) reduced by tetraethylammonium and caesium, (4) abolished by defolliculation, and (5) blocked by glibenclamide. Thus, the current can be interpreted to be due to an activation of ATP-sensitive potassium (KATP) channels located in the follicle cells. An activation of KATP channels by PTZ may contribute to termination and re-initiation of seizure activity.

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??? Pflugers Arch

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