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J Neurosci Res 1996 Aug 01;453:195-201. doi: 10.1002/(SICI)1097-4547(19960801)45:3<195::AID-JNR1>3.0.CO;2-8.
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Cell lines expressing an acetylcholine release mechanism; correction of a release-deficient cell by mediatophore transfection.

Falk-Vairant J , Meunier FM , Lesbats B , Corrèges P , Eder-Colli L , Salem N , Synguelakis M , Dunant Y , Israël M .

Several neuronal and non-neuronal cell lines express a Ca(2+)-dependent mechanism of transmitter release that can be demonstrated after loading the cells with acetylcholine during culture. In contrast, a particular cell line, the neuroblastoma N18TG-2, was found to be deficient for release. We transfected N18TG-2 cells with a plasmid encoding Torpedo mediatophore, a protein able to translocate acetylcholine in response to calcium. The N18TG-2 cells expressed the Torpedo protein which reached their plasma membrane. At the same time, these cells acquired a Ca(2+)-dependent quantal release mechanism similar to the one naturally expressed by other cell lines. Hence, the presence of mediatophore in the plasma membrane seems essential for quantal release.

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