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Ontogenez 1996 Jan 01;275:379-83.
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[The effect of a chloride channel inhibitor and of media with a decreased concentration of chlorine ions on spontaneous oocyte maturation in the common frog and the clawed toad].

Skoblina MN , Kondrat'eva OT , Nikiforova GP , Huhtaniemi I .

Chloride-deficient media (irrespective of anions substituted for chloride) increased the rate of spontaneous maturation of follicle-enclosed (FEOs) and denuded oocytes in Rana temporaria and Xenopus laevis. The chloride channel blocker SITS (4-acetamido-4'-isothiocyanostilbene-2,2'-disulphonic acid) (10 microM) significantly decreased the rate of the spontaneous maturation of the FEOs and oocytes. The addition of 10 mM (instead of 2.7 mM) calcium ions to the gluconate solution significantly increased the rate of the spontaneous maturation of FEOs of R. temporaria if it was low in the gluconate solution, and decreased it if it was close to 100%.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 8999392