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We cloned the Xenopus homologue of cadherin-11 and studied its spatiotemporal expression pattern during early development. The messenger RNA is present from the mid-gastrulation through embryo development. It is expressed in different neural crest cell populations, during their migration and differentiation. This pattern, unexpected for an adhesion molecule, reinforces the idea of novel functions for type II cadherins.
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Fig. 5. Localisation of cadherin-11 mRNA by in situ hybridisation. Numbers indicate the stage of development. (A) Cadherin-11 expression in migrating cranial neural crest cells. Twist was used as a neural crest cells marker, shown here on a stage 23 embryo. All views are lateral, except the first one, frontal. MCS, mandibular crest segment; HCS, hyoid crest segment; BCS, branchial crest segment (bar = 10 mm). (B) Sections of a stage 25 embryo showing expression in the mandibular (S1) and in the branchial (S2) crest segments (arrowheads). NT neural tube; EV, eye vesicule; CM, cement gland; N,notochord (bar = 1 mm). (C) Cadherin-11 expression in the neural crest cells migrating in the dorsal fin (bar = 1 mm).
cdh11 (cadherin-11) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via in situ hybridization, NF stage 28, lateral view, anteriorleft, dorsal up.
cdh11 (cadherin-11) gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryo, assayed via[ in situ hybridization, NF stage 25, cross section (lateral view).