Fig. 1. Sequence comparison between Xwnt-2b and other Wnt-2 sub-family members including human Wnt-13. (A) Amino-acid sequence alignment of
Xwnt-2b, human Wnt-13 (Katoh et al., 1996), mouse Wnt-2 (McMahon and McMahon, 1989), human Wnt-2 (Wainwright et al., 1988), rat Wnt-2 (Levay-
Young and Navre, 1992) and zebrafish Wnt-2 (Blader et al., 1997). Conserved amino acid residues are shown on dark background. (B) Partial nucleotide
sequence alignment of Xwnt-2b, human Wnt-13 (Katoh et al., 1996), Xenopus Wnt-2 (Wolda and Moon, 1992) and human Wnt-2 (Wainwright et al., 1988).
The partial Xenopus Wnt-2 cDNA is aligned with the numbered (in parentheses) sequences of the other Wnts. Conserved bases are shown on dark
Fig. 2. Developmental expression of Xwnt-2b transcripts. Total RNA was
analyzed by Northern hybridization using Xwnt-2b antisense probe. Fibronectin
antisense probes were used as loading control. A major transcript of
3.5 kb and a minor band of 7 kb (*) are visible. Lanes 1â10 contain total
RNA extracted from embryos at the following stages: 8.5, 10, 10.5, 12.5,
17, 19, 23, 30, 33 and 35, respectively.
Fig. 3. Spatial localization of Xwnt-2b transcripts in neurula and in early tailbud embryos using whole-mount in situ hybridization with Xwnt-2b and En-2
antisense probes. (A,B) Stage 15 neurulae. Expression of both Xwnt-2b and En-2 is restricted to two stripes in the anterior neural plate. (C,D) Stage 22, frontal
view. Expression of Xwnt-2b and En-2 is visible as a continuous band across the anterior part of the brain. (E,F) Stage 22, lateral view. Xwnt-2b staining is
anterior to En-2 staining. (G,H) Stage 22, dorsal view. Xwnt-2b expression is restricted to the dorsal part of the brain, whereas the En-2 staining has a ringlike
shape on both the dorsal and ventral sides. Embryos in (E,F,G,H) were cleared in benzyl benzoate/benzyl alcohol solution.
Fig. 4. Spatial localization of Xwnt-2b transcripts in stage 30 and 35 embryos using whole-mount in situ hybridization with Xwnt-2b (A,C,EâG,I) and En-2
(B,D,H) antisense probes. (A,B) Stage 30, lateral view. (E) Stage 30, dorsal view. (F) Stage 35, dorsal view. (G,H) Stage 35, lateral view. Xwnt-2b is
expressed in the prosencephalon-mesencephalon boundary. Additional staining is seen above the heart primordium (arrowheads in A,G). The cephalic
expression of En-2 is seen at the mesencephalon-rhombencephalon boundary. Embryos in (G,H) were cleared in benzyl benzoate/benzyl alcohol. Wholemount
samples from stage 30 (C,D) or stage 35 (I) embryos were sectioned either transversally (C,D) or sagittally (I) and revealed Xwnt-2b expression in the
dorsal mesencephalon (C). En-2 expression is detected posterior to the Xwnt-2 expression where it expands across the mesencephalon (D). Arrowheads in (I)
point to non-brain staining of Xwnt-2b in stage 35 embryo between the heart and the pronephros. Abbreviations: c, cement gland; e, eye; h, heart; m,
mesencephalon; o, otic vesicle; p, prosencephalon; ph, pharynx; pr, pronephros; r, rhombencephalon. Bar, 50 mm.
Fig. 5. Ectopic expression of Xwnt-2b mRNA leads to induction of a secondary body axis. Four to eight-cell embryos were injected into one ventrovegetal
blastomere with either 60 pg of Vg-1 mRNA (A), or 12 pg of Xwnt-2b mRNA (B).
Fig. 6. A schematic localization of different Xwnts in the brain of late tailbud embryos. The expression patterns of specific Wnt transcripts are indicated by
dark regions. Distribution of Xwnt-2b transcripts is based on our observations. Data on Xwnt-1, Xwnt-3A, Xwnt-4 and Xwnt-8b are based on whole-mount in
situ analysis and sectioning reported by others. The cephalic expression of En-2 (Hemmati-Brivanlou et al., 1991) is shown at the bottom. Domains of
expression: Xwnt-1 (stage 31 embryos; Wolda et al., 1993), mesencephalon-rhombencephalon boundary and the dorsal midline of the brain and spinal cord
with a gap in a part of rhombencephalon; Xwnt-3A (stage 31; Wolda et al., 1993), the brain around the prosencephalon-mesencephalon boundary and the
dorsal midline posterior to the prosencephalon-mesencephalon boundary, descending ventrally along the inner surface of the mesencephalon; Xwnt-4 (stages
27â38; McGrew et al., 1992), the prosencephalon-mesencephalon boundary and two areas in the rhombencephalon. The floor plate of the rhombencephalon
and spinal cord; Xwnt-8b (stage 33; Cui et al., 1995), the dorsal diencephalon, prosencephalon-mesencephalon boundary and the anterior mesencephalon.