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J Gen Physiol 2000 Dec 01;1166:781-90.
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Gating induces a conformational change in the outer vestibule of ENaC.

Snyder PM , Bucher DB , Olson DR .

The epithelial Na(+) channel (ENaC) is comprised of three homologous subunits (alpha, beta, and gamma). The channel forms the pathway for Na(+) absorption in the kidney, and mutations cause disorders of Na(+) homeostasis. However, little is known about the mechanisms that control the gating of ENaC. We investigated the gating mechanism by introducing bulky side chains at a position adjacent to the extracellular end of the second membrane spanning segment (549, 520, and 529 in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC, respectively). Equivalent "DEG" mutations in related DEG/ENaC channels in Caenorhabditis elegans cause swelling neurodegeneration, presumably by increasing channel activity. We found that the Na(+) current was increased by mutagenesis or chemical modification of this residue and adjacent residues in alpha, beta, and gammaENaC. This resulted from a change in the gating of ENaC; modification of a cysteine at position 520 in betaENaC increased the open state probability from 0. 12 to 0.96. Accessibility to this side chain from the extracellular side was state-dependent; modification occurred only when the channel was in the open conformation. Single-channel conductance decreased when the side chain contained a positive, but not a negative charge. However, alterations in the side chain did not alter the selectivity of ENaC. This is consistent with a location for the DEG residue in the outer vestibule. The results suggest that channel gating involves a conformational change in the outer vestibule of ENaC. Disruption of this mechanism could be important clinically since one of the mutations that increased Na(+) current (gamma(N530K)) was identified in a patient with renal disease.

???displayArticle.pubmedLink??? 11099347
???displayArticle.pmcLink??? PMC2231819

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References [+] :
Adams, Protons activate brain Na+ channel 1 by inducing a conformational change that exposes a residue associated with neurodegeneration. 1998, Pubmed, Xenbase