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Science 1991 May 24;2525009:1173-6.
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Effect of wnt-1 and related proteins on gap junctional communication in Xenopus embryos.

Olson DJ , Christian JL , Moon RT .

The proto-oncogene wnt-1 (previously referred to as int-1) is thought to be important in embryonic pattern formation although its mechanisms of action are unknown. Premature and increased expression of the Wnt-1 protein, achieved by injection of synthetic wnt-1 RNA into fertilized Xenopus eggs, enhanced gap junctional communication between ventral cells of the developing embryo. This result is consistent with the hypothesis that Wnt proteins activate a receptor-mediated signal transduction pathway and that gap junctional communication can be a target of this pathway. The effects of two Wnt-1-related proteins on gap junctional communication were also investigated: overexpression of Xwnt-8 increased gap junctional coupling in a manner similar to Wnt-1, whereas Xwnt-5A did not. These findings are consistent with the existence of multiple receptors for Wnt proteins.

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Species referenced: Xenopus
Genes referenced: wnt1 wnt5a wnt8a