FIG. 1.
(A) Muscle-specific actin induction in animal caps. Mouse MyoD, MyoD-GR, or MyoD·ER mRNA was microinjected into each
cell of 2-cell embryos and animal caps were isolated at mid-blastula [stage 8.5) and allowed to develop to the equivalent of early neurula
!stage 18) in the presence or absence of 10- 6 M ~-estradiol (E) or w-; M dexamethasone (D). Muscle-spec ific actin RNA was visualized
by Northern blot analysis. Lanes 1-3, uninjected; lanes 4-6, unmodified MyoD; lanes 7- 9, MyoD-GR; lanes 10- 12., MyoD-ER. Muscle specific
actin is indicated by an asterisk. The blot was repro bed f01 EF la as a loading control.
(B) Muscle-specific actin induction in whole
embryos. Mouse MyoD-ER or MyoD-GR mRNA was microinjected into one cell of 2-cell albino embryos together with mRNA for
nuclearly localized ,13-galactosidase (light blue). Embryos developed without hormone or with hormone treatment from mid-blastula !stage
8.5). At late neurula (stage 18), muscle-specific actin (MSA) was visualized by whole-mount in situ hybridization (purple). ,6-Galactosidase
staining was obscured by strong ectopic MSA expression. Arrows indicate endogenous MSA expression. (I) MyoD-E.R·injected, no hormone
treatment, lateral view, anterior to right; (2) MyoD-ER-injccted, )3-estradiol treatment, lateral view, anterior to left; (3) MyoD-GR-injected,
no treatment, ventrolateral view, ante.rior to right; 141 MyoD-CR-injected, dexamethasone (DEX) treatment, ventral view, anterior to right.
(C) Western blot analysis of MyoD protein levels in microinjected embryos. Mouse MyoD or MyoD-GR mRNA was microinjected into
each cell of 2-cell embryos. Embryos were treated with dexamethasone {DEX) from mid-blastula (stage 81 onward and lysed at the stage
indicated. One embryo equivalent o£ protein was analyzed using the 5.2F anti mouse-MyoD monoclonal antibody. Lanes 1-4, harvest at
early gastrula I stage 10.5): lane 1, MyoD-injected, untreated; lane 2, MyoD-injected, DEX treatment; lane 3, MyoD-GR-injected, untreated;
lane 4, MyoD-GR-injecrcd, DEX treatment; lanes 5- 9, lu!rvest at late gastrula (stage 12.5]; lane 5, MyoD-injected, untreated; lane 6, MyoD injected,
DEX treatment; lane 7, MyoD-GR-injectcd, untreated; lane 8, MyoD-GR-injected, DEX treatment; lane 9, uninjected embryo.
The Ponceau S-stained gel indicated equivalent loading in all lanes (not shown). I
D) Northern blot analysis of mMyoD RNA levels in
microinjected embryos. Mouse MyoD or MyoD-GR mRNA was microinjccted into each cell of 2-cell embryos. Embryos were treated
with DEX from mid-blastula I stage 8) onward and lysed at the stage indicated. One embryo equivalent of RNA was analyzed by Northern
blotti ng, using a mouse MyoD p robe. Under the hybridization conditions used, Xenopus MyoD transcripts were not detected. Ethidium
bromide-stained 28S ribosomal RNA is shown as a loading control. Lanes 1 and 2, embryos harvested 90 min after injection (stage 5);
lanes 3-6, harvest at early gastrula (stage 10.5); lanes 7 and 8, harvest at late gastrula (stage 12.5). Lane 1, MyoD·injected, untreated; lane
2, MyoD·GR-injected, untreated; lane 3, MyoD-injected, untreated; lane 4, MyoD-injected, DEX treatment; lane 5, MyoD-GR-injectcd,
untreated; lane 6, MyoD-GR-injected, DEX treatment; lane 7, MyoD-injected, untreated; lane 8, MyoD-GR-injected, untreated.