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GEO Series: GSE130816

Title: Thyroid hormone receptor alpha is required for thyroid hormone-dependent neural cell proliferation during tadpole metamorphosis


Using tadpoles mutant for thyroid hormone receptor alpha (thra), we show that TRa is required for thyroid hormone (T3) induction of cell proliferation in the brain. RNA-sequencing showed that the TRa is required for 95% of the gene regulation responses to T3.

Contributors: Robert Denver, Luan Wen

Experiment Type: Wild type and thra mutant tadpoles were treated with vehicle (DMSO) or T3 (5 nM) added to the aquarium water for 16 hr before sacrifice and tissue harvest. The region of the brain containing the preoptic area/hypothalamus/thalamus was microdissected, RNA isolated and RNA sequencing conducted.

Experiment Reagents: liothyronine, Xtr.thratmShiyb.

Xla Wt + L-T3 + brain NF54 (RNA-Seq (RNA))

Article: XB-ART-56139, PubMed

Source: NCBI GEO, Xenbase Download

Samples: (DEG = Differentially Expressed Genes; GSM = GEO Sample Number)
Sample View GSMs Assay Type
Xtr.thratmShiyb - brain - NF54 GSM3754703  GSM3754704  GSM3754705  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.thratmShiyb
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
brain NF stage 54  
   Xtr.thratmShiyb - brain + L-T3 - NF54 DEG GSM3754706  GSM3754707  GSM3754708  RNA-Seq
Background: Xtr.thratmShiyb
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
chemical liothyronine NF stage 54 embryo
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
brain NF stage 54  
brain - NF54 GSM3754697  GSM3754698  GSM3754699  RNA-Seq
Background: Xla.Outbred
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
brain NF stage 54  
   brain + L-T3 - NF54 DEG GSM3754700  GSM3754701  GSM3754702  RNA-Seq
Background: Xla.Outbred
Manipulation Type Reagent Target Gene Stage Treatment Area
chemical liothyronine NF stage 54 embryo
Tissue Assay Stages ChIP Antibody
brain NF stage 54  
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