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Summary Genes Attributions

Library Name: RIKEN Xenopus egg

Species: Xenopus laevis

Number Of Clones: 2365


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Gene Symbol Gene Name Number Of Clones Percentage of library Transcripts per million(TPM)
cdc73.S cell division cycle 73 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cdca7l.S cell division cycle associated 7 like 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cdk1.L cyclin-dependent kinase 1 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cdk17.S cyclin-dependent kinase 17 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cdk8.S cyclin-dependent kinase 8 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cdkn2aipnl.S CDKN2A interacting protein N-terminal like 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cdv3.L CDV3 homolog 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cebpg.L CCAAT enhancer binding protein gamma 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cenpe.S centromere protein E 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cenpo.L centromere protein O 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
chchd4.L coiled-coil-helix-coiled-coil-helix domain containing 4 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
chmp1a.S charged multivesicular body protein 1A 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
chst13.S carbohydrate (chondroitin 4) sulfotransferase 13 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cidec.S cell death inducing DFFA like effector c 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cinp.S cyclin-dependent kinase 2 interacting protein 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cldn4.L claudin 4 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
clec16a.S C-type lectin domain family 16 member A 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
clic1.S chloride intracellular channel 1 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cnih4.L cornichon family member 4 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159
cnnm3.L cyclin and CBS domain divalent metal cation transport mediator 3 1 0.042283298097251586 422.8329809725159

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