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Summary Genes Attributions

Library Name: Wellcome CRC pSK animal cap

Species: Xenopus laevis

Number Of Clones: 1901


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Gene Symbol Gene Name Number Of Clones Percentage of library Transcripts per million(TPM)
impa2.L inositol(myo)-1(or 4)-monophosphatase 2 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
ipo7.L importin 7 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
krt7.L keratin 7 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
lin28a.S lin-28 homolog A 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
lsm5.L LSM5 homolog, U6 small nuclear RNA and mRNA degradation associated 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
magoh.L mago homolog, exon junction complex subunit 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
mbd3.S methyl-CpG binding domain protein 3 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
polr1f.L RNA polymerase I subunit F 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
prps2.L phosphoribosyl pyrophosphate synthetase 2 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
sall2.L spalt-like transcription factor 2 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
slc25a5.L solute carrier family 25 (mitochondrial carrier; adenine nucleotide translocator), member 5 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
srsf5.S serine/arginine-rich splicing factor 5 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
ssb.S Sjogren syndrome antigen B 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
syncrip.S synaptotagmin binding cytoplasmic RNA interacting protein 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
taf15.L TATA-box binding protein associated factor 15 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
ubc.L ubiquitin C 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
ube3c.S ubiquitin protein ligase E3C 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
upk2.S uroplakin 2 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
znf326.S zinc finger protein 326 3 0.15781167806417673 1578.1167806417675
10a1.1.S retrotransposon-like element 10A1 gene 1 2 0.10520778537611783 1052.0778537611784

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