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Summary Attributions

Clone Name: IMAGE:7712762 Gene: slc13a2 Species: Xenopus tropicalis  


5' EST: CX970700 [+]

3' EST: CX970699 [+]


Name: NIH_XGC_tropInt1External Dbs: Unigene tropicalis cDNA library, Xenopus IMAGE cDNA Library

Description: Library prepared from 5 ug of poly A+ RNA by oligo-dT priming [5'-GA(10)CTAGTCTCGAGT(18)-3'] and Stratascript reverse transcriptase. After ligation of EcoRI adapters (5'-AATTCGGCACGAGG-3') followed by kinasing adapters and XhoI digestion, the cDNA was size-selected by chromatography on Sepharose CL-2B columns and fractions containing cDNAs larger than 1 kb were ligated into EcoRI/XhoI digested pCS107 vector. Average insert size is 2.1 kb. The original library contained 9E4 recombinants. Reference: Current Genomics 4, 635-644. Use sp6 to obtain 5' end sequence, and t7 or t3 to obtain 3' end sequence. Library constructed by Bruce Blumberg (University of California, Irvine, Dept of Developmental and Cell Biology).

Anatomy: intestineStage: frog
Normalized: NoSubtraction: No

Vector DetailsVector Map
Name: pCS107

Type: plasmid

5' Restriction Site: EcoRI

3' Restriction Site: XhoI
Expression Image



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