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Summary Attributions

Clone Name: IMAGE:3749190 Gene: csnk2b.S Species: Xenopus laevis  


5' EST: BF614835 [+]

3' EST: BG021374 [+]


Name: Xenopus laevis gastrula non normalizedExternal Dbs: Unigene laevis cDNA library, Xenopus IMAGE cDNA Library

Description: cDNA from 2 ug polyA+ mRNA, oligo dT-primed using 5'-ACTAGTGCGGCCGCCTAGGCCTCGAGTTTTTTTTTTTTTTT-3'. Library was mass excised (from lambda-ZAPII) using ExAssist phage. The resulting single-stranded phagemids were used to infect TOP10F'. This library has been used successfully to clone a number of full-length cDNAs ranging in size from 1.4-4.5 kb. There are <0.5% clones with multiple inserts. One should be suspicious of any clone which gives 3 or more bands in an EcoRI/XhoI digest AND has an internal XhoI site. Library constructed and donated by B. Blumberg (University of California, Irvine); also referred to as Xenopus_laevis_gastrula_non_normalized.

Anatomy: whole organismStage: NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 11.5
Normalized: NoSubtraction: No

Vector DetailsVector Map
Name: pBluescript SK-

Type: phagemid

5' Restriction Site: EcoRI

3' Restriction Site: XhoI
Expression Image



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