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cckxenopus stomach [+] 

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Experiment details for cck

Temporal pattern of appearance and distribution of cholecystokinin-like peptides during development in Xenopus laevis.

Temporal pattern of appearance and distribution of cholecystokinin-like peptides during development in Xenopus laevis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
cck.L laevis NF stage 63 to NF stage 64 stomach

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  FIG. 2. Cholecystokinin-like immunoreactivity in gut and brain during development in Xenopus laevis, determined by ICC of tissue sections. (A) Posterior larval duodenum, stage 47; a CCKcontaining endocrine cell is at the arrowhead (144x). (B) Two CCK endocrine cells are seen in the larval duodenum; stage 49 (144x). (C) A CCK endocrine cell in the regenerated anterior duodenum just prior to metamorphic climax; stage 63-64 (144~). (D) A CCK endocrine cell in the newly formed antral mucosal epithelium of the stomach; stage 64 (144x). (E) CCK-containing nerve fibers in the posterior infundibulum and median eminence (arrowhead); stage 62-63. This is a lateral section 20 urn from the midline (144x). (F) CCK-containing nerve ribers in the hypothalamic-hypophysial region of the hypothalamus in ajuvenile (postmetamorphic) frog. This is a lateral section 10 urn from the midline (144~). L, gut lumen; P, pigment granules; BL, basal lamina; HHT, hypothalamo-hypophysial axonal tract; ME, median eminence; PD, pars distalis; III, third ventricle; PI, pars intermedia; PN, pars nervosa.