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wnt6xenopus liver diverticulum [+] 

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Experiment details for wnt6

Lavery DL et al. (2008) Assay

Wnt6 expression in epidermis and epithelial tissues during Xenopus organogenesis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
wnt6.S laevis NF stage 35 and 36 liver diverticulum

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  Figure 5. xWnt6 protein is localized within the ectoderm and epithelial tissues and within the developing heart, eye, and pronephros. A-C,E-G,I-K,M-O,Q-S,U-W: Immunofluorescence staining performed on cryosectioned embryos using an anti-Wnt6 antibody. D,H,L,P,T,X: Control sections stained without primary antibody and with secondary antibody alone. Y,Z,AA,BB,CC,DD,EE,FF: Higher magnification immunofluorescence staining performed on cryosectioned embryos using an anti-Wnt6 antibody (green) and an anti-troponin T antibody (red). GG,HH: Confocal optical frontal sections showing Wnt6 (green) and troponin T staining (red) in isolated Xenopus hearts. II,JJ: Immunofluorescence staining performed on cryosectioned embryos using an anti-Wnt6 antibody (green) and an anti-rhodopsin antibody (red). KK,LL,MM: Confocal three-dimensional images showing Wnt6 staining of the proximal tubules. The location of the sections is indicated for each developmental stage. Numerical figures indicate developmental stage. a, atrium; ba, branchial arches; ce, corneal epithelium; e, eye; ec, ectoderm, ee, endocardial endothelium; en, endocardium; ev, eye vesicle, f, fin; fav, future arterial valve; fg, foregut; g, gut; hs, head somite; i, intestine; l, lens; ld, liver diverculum; m, myocardium; mg, midgut; n, neuroceol; ose, ocular surface ectoderm; p, pericardium; pa, pronephric anlage; ph, pharynx; pt, pronephric tubules; r, rods; ros, rods outer segment; s, somite; vp, velar plate. Scale bars = 200 mu m in A-X, 100 mu m in Y-MM.