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tcf15xenopus tail bud 

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Experiment details for tcf15

Carpio R et al. (2004) Assay

Xenopus paraxis homologue shows novel domains of expression.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
tcf15.L laevis NF stage 23 tail bud
tcf15.L laevis NF stage 31 tail bud

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  Figure 3. paraxis is expressed in the paraxial mesoderm and neural tube. a, anterior; p, posterior. A: Stage 23 embryo stained for paraxis (purple) and the 12/101 antigen (brown) that is expressed in differentiated muscles. Note that paraxis expression is not found concurrent with markers of muscle differentiation. B: Stage 31 embryo stained for paraxis and 12/101. Note that, at this stage, most of the somitic muscles have already differentiated and no paraxis expression is observed, except in the tip of the tail bud. No expression in the neural tube is observed. C: Section of embryo shown in A. Note that, in the somite, paraxis is restricted to the dermatome (arrowhead). In addition, a clear expression in the neural tube is observed (arrows); n, notochord. D: Equivalent section of a stage 23 embryo showing expression of Xash in the sulcus limitans of the neural tube (arrows); n, notochord. E: Equivalent section of a stage 23 embryo showing expression of Xiro1 in the sulcus limitans of the neural tube (arrows); n, notochord. F: Summary of paraxis expression in the neural tube (nt) and somites (s), compared with sulcus limitans markers. n, notochord. Scale bars = 125 mu m in C-E.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
tcf15.L laevis NF stage 26 tail bud

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  Figure 2. paraxis is expressed in somitic mesoderm. A-D: Dorsal view of embryos at different stages as indicated in the figure. Anterior (a) is at the top; p, posterior. E-H: Sections of embryos shown in A-D, in the region indicated by the line; n, notochord. I: Stage 22 embryo showing an anterior-posterior wave of paraxis down-regulation. J: Anterior section of embryo shown in I. Arrowhead, somitic expression of paraxis is restricted to the dermatome; arrow, initial expression of paraxis in the neural tube; n, notochord. K: Posterior section of embryo shown in I. Note that the complete somite is stained; n, notochord. L: Stage 26 embryo. Note that, as muscle differentiation is more advanced in this embryo, a down-regulation of paraxis is observed, except in the most posterior somites.