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sox8xenopus midbrain-hindbrain boundary 

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Experiment details for sox8

Neural crest migration requires the activity of the extracellular sulphatases XtSulf1 and XtSulf2.

Neural crest migration requires the activity of the extracellular sulphatases XtSulf1 and XtSulf2.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
sox8 tropicalis NF stage 29 and 30 midbrain-hindbrain boundary

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  Fig. 4. XtSulf2 overexpression disrupts cranial neural crest migration. One blastomere of a two-cell X. tropicalis embryo was injected with 0.5 ng of XtSulf2 mRNA, embryos were allowed to develop to NF stage 22 and 30 and fixed for in situ hybridisation using HoxB3 (A–E), NeuroD (F–I), Slug (J–M), Sox8 (N–Q) and Twist (R–U). (A–B, F–G, J–K, N–O, R–S) Lateral views of control and injected sides of NF stage 22 embryos. (E) Dorsal view of embryo in (A–B), black asterisk indicated the injected side. (C–D, H–I, L–M, P–Q, T–U) Lateral views of control and injected sides of NF stage 30 embryos. At stage 22, on the control side 6–12% of embryos show disrupted migration, while on the injected side 58–71% of migration is found to be inhibited (n = 55–84) as assayed by the expression of CNC markers shown. At stage 30, on the control side 4–5% of embryos show disrupted migration, while on the injected side 40–53% of migration is found to be inhibited (n = 34–81).