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Experiment details for sox2

Rodríguez-Seguel E et al. (2009) Assay

The Xenopus Irx genes are essential for neural patterning and define the border between prethalamus and thalamus through mutual antagonism with the anterior repressors Fezf and Arx.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
sox2.L laevis NF stage 18 brain , forebrain , midbrain , hindbrain , spinal cord , [+]

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  Fig. 3. Irx genes are required for neural patterning. All panels, except (M) that show a stage 18 embryo, show dorsal views of stage 14–16 embryos co-injected with a mix of all five Irx MOs and LacZ mRNA. Black and red arrowheads point at the control or injected side, respectively. (A–C) Forebrain markers Rx1, Six2 and Fezf2 are expanded posteriorly (compare red with black arrowheads). (D) In addition, the anterior Pax6 domain is also shifted caudally at the expenses of the midbrain territory that lack the expression of this gene (compare red with black arrowhead). (E–F) The expression of Wnt1 and Irx3 in the posterior diencephalon is strongly downregulated (compare red with black arrowheads). (G–I) The midbrain is also reduced in the Irx morphant, as determined by the expression of En2, Pax2 and Wnt4. In addition, Wnt4 expression in the spinal cord in strongly impaired (I). (J–L) The rhomboencephalon markers Gbx2, Krox20 and Nhf1β are also downregulated in the injected embryos. (M) At stage 18, Sox2 expression shows and altered morphology of brain structures in the Irx impaired side. (N, O) The proneural gene Ngnr1 (N) and the primary neurons markers Ntubulin (O) are also downregulated in the injected side.