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Experiment details for shh

Rankin SA et al. (2014) Assay

A Molecular atlas of Xenopus respiratory system development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
shh.L laevis NF stage 32 brain , notochord , endoderm , pharyngeal arch , liver diverticulum , [+]
shh.L laevis NF stage 42 endoderm , foregut , lung primordium , liver primordium
shh.L laevis NF stage 49 endoderm , trachea , esophagus , stomach , foregut , [+]
shh.L laevis NF stage 59 trachea , lung , esophagus

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  Figure 3. Molecular characterization of the developing Xenopus foregut and respiratory epithelium. A: Schematic of the developing foregut region and respiratory system at the indicated developmental stages, with endoderm in yellow, heart (h) in orange, and respiratory epithelium in blue. B–Y: Whole-mount in situ hybridization with the indicated probes to whole embryos at NF32 (B,F,J), NF33 (N), NF35 (R), NF38 (V) or to isolated guts at NF42 (C,G,K,O,S,W) or to lung/tracheal/esophageal regions dissected at NF49 (D,H,L,P,T,X) or NF59 (E,I,M,Q,U,Y). Abbreviations: e, esophagus; fg, foregut; h, heart; lb, lung bud; lg, lung; lv, liver; st, stomach; tr, trachea; ty, thyroid. Scale bar = 0.5 mmDownload figure to PowerPoint