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rgnxenopus proximal tubule branch 

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Experiment details for rgn

Hspa9 is required for pronephros specification and formation in Xenopus laevis.

Hspa9 is required for pronephros specification and formation in Xenopus laevis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
rgn.L laevis NF stage 32 proximal tubule branch
rgn.L laevis NF stage 35 and 36 proximal tubule branch

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  Figure 5. Impaired hspa9 expression in Xenopus laevis disturbs tubular pronephric development. A–F: Whole-mount smp30 ISH in MoC (A–C) and Mo-injected (D–F) tadpole embryos at the dose of 17 ng. G,H: At tail bud stage, smp30 expression is decreased upon Mo34 injection (34 ng). I–L: pax8 (I,J) and pax2 (K,L) ISH confirm the impaired development of the proximal pronephric tubule after reduced hspa9 expression. M–P: Double-immunofluorescence with 3G8 (red) and 4A6 (blue) antibodies (M,O) and corresponding drawings (N,P) illustrate a simplified pronephric tubule on the Mo17-injected side of the embryo.Download figure to PowerPoint