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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
rargxenopus head mesenchyme 

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Experiment details for rarg

Wyatt BH et al. (2020) Assay

Using an aquatic model, Xenopus laevis, to uncover the role of chromodomain 1 in craniofacial disorders.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
rarg.L laevis NF stage 29 and 30 to NF stage 31 head mesenchyme
rarg.L laevis NF stage 40 head mesenchyme

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  Supp. Fig. 4: Representative images of embryos with deficient RA signals (A-F). In situ hybridization of chd1 and RARy showing similar patterns of labeling (G-I). Mouth is outlined in pink dots. Abbreviations; cg=cement gland. Black arrows indicate similar regions of gene expression