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rargxenopus anterior hypothalamus 

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Experiment details for rarg

Regional specificity of RAR gamma isoforms in Xenopus development.

Regional specificity of RAR gamma isoforms in Xenopus development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
rarg.S laevis NF stage 24 anterior hypothalamus

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  Fig. 2 (right). RAR gamma isoforms are differentially expressed. Specific probes were hybridized to late neurula/early tailbud embryos. (A) Diagram indicating position and size of isoform-specific probes, which were derived from clones isolated by Blumberg et al. (1992). (B) RARgammaI expression is seen solely in the anterior expression domain. (C) RARgamma2 is expressed both in the head endomesoderm and in the posterior prospective tailbud area. (D) A control sense probe shows no staining after an equal time of incubation. Artifactual precipitates of proteinaceous material can be seen in the gut cavity (see D), Bar, 200 umm.