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rargxenopus intersomitic region 

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Experiment details for rarg

Neofunctionalization in vertebrates: the example of retinoic acid receptors.

Neofunctionalization in vertebrates: the example of retinoic acid receptors.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
rarg.S laevis NF stage 29 and 30 intersomitic region

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  Figure 5. Schematic Representation of the Expression Territories of RARs Staining of embryos indicates expression of mRARα (A), mRARβ (B), and mRARγ (C) in mouse embryos at E9; of xRARα (G), xRARβ (H), and xRARγ (I) in stage 30 Xenopus embryos, and of AmphiRAR (M) in 20 h old amphioxus larvae. Schematic representations are shown of the expression territories of mRARs (D�F), xRARs (J�L), and AmphiRAR (N) in mouse, Xenopus, and amphioxus embryos, respectively. Regions with high levels of expression are red and those with lower levels of expression are pink. Arrowheads indicate regions in mouse and Xenopus embryos where the RAR expression cannot be correlated with AmphiRAR expression and can be described as �new expression territories.� doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.0020102.g005