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Experiment details for pitx2

Nucleoporin NUP205 plays a critical role in cilia and congenital disease.

Nucleoporin NUP205 plays a critical role in cilia and congenital disease.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
pitx2 tropicalis NF stage 28 cement gland , heart , lateral plate mesoderm , profundus ganglion , heart primordium , [+]

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  Fig. 1. Knockdown of nup205 Disrupts LR Patterning. (A) Schematic of one-cell injections and regions analyzed for LR patterning defects. (B) Representative blot of Nup205 protein levels in whole stage 45 Xenopus protein extracts. (C) Representative images of normal and abnormal cardiac OFT directionality (ventral views with anterior to the top) along with quantitation of frequency of abnormal morphology in control and nup205 morphant embryos. (D) Representative images of normal and abnormal pitx2c expression patterns (lateral views, dorsal to the top) along with quantitation of frequency of abnormal patterns in control and nup205 morphant embryos. (E) Representative images of normal and abnormal dand5 expression patterns (ventral views, anterior to the top) along with quantitation of frequency of abnormal patterns in control and nup205 morphant embryos. For all graphs, Ns indicate number of individual embryos assessed across a minimum of 3 replicates. Graph colors correspond to example border colors. Bar graph color coding depicts proportion of total MCCs assessed, while error bar is based on frequency of combined abnormal phenotypes. p < 0.005 and p < 0.0005 for ** and *** respectively by two-tailed T-Test. A – anterior, P – posterior, R – right, L-left. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the Web version of this article.)