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Experiment details for pgat

The efficiency of Xenopus primordial germ cell migration depends on the germplasm mRNA encoding the PDZ domain protein Grip2.

The efficiency of Xenopus primordial germ cell migration depends on the germplasm mRNA encoding the PDZ domain protein Grip2.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
pgat.L laevis NF stage 37 and 38 germ cell

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  Fig. 2 Distribution of Grip2 mRNA shown by in situ hybridization. (A) Two stage I oocytes. (B) Stage II oocyte. (C) Late stage III oocyte. (D) Stage VI oocyte, vegetal view. (E) Stage 9 blastula. (F) Stage 26. (G) Stage 28, (G0) with the migrating primordial germ cells (PGCs) enlarged (arrows). (H) Stage 37, when the PGCs were no longer revealed by the Grip2 probe, whereas they were by Xpat (I, I0). The embryos, but not the oocytes, were bleached. The scale bars represent 100 um.