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Experiment details for myod1

Liu KJ and Harland RM (2005) Assay

Inhibition of neurogenesis by SRp38, a neuroD-regulated RNA-binding protein.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
myod1.S laevis NF stage 25 mesoderm , presomitic mesoderm , somite , paraxial mesoderm

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  Fig. 3. SRp38 can inhibit mesodermal differentiation. Control embryos on left. SRp38 injection (250 pg each) on right. Some embryos are also stained for lacZ activity (in red) as a lineage tracer. All injection sites are marked with black arrowhead. (A-C) Early mesoderm injections were targeted toward ventral domains. In situ hybridization for Bix1, stage 9.5 (A); brachyury, stage 11 (B); and wnt8, stage 11 (C). SRp38 injection (250 pg each, right) does not inhibit expression of Bix1 but does inhibit expression of Brachyury and wnt8. (D) In situ hybridization for myoD, stage 25. Dorsal injection of SRp38 (250 pg each, right) inhibits expression of myoD at the site of injection (marked by red tracer). (E) In situ hybridization for α-globin, stage 25. Ventral injection of SRp38 (250 pg each, right) inhibits expression of α-globin at the site of injection. (F) Tor70 antibody reveals disrupted notochord development in embryos injected dorsally with SRp38 (two sections on right, notochord indicated by red arrowhead).