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Experiment details for myod1

Bury FJ et al. (2008) Assay

Xenopus BTBD6 and its Drosophila homologue lute are required for neuronal development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
myod1.S laevis NF stage 24 presomitic mesoderm , somite , muscle , paraxial mesoderm , posterior

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  Figure 4. XBTBD6 knockdown affects muscle formation and segmentation. Embryos were injected on one side at the two-cell stage with either XBTBD6 MO1 or XBTBD6 MO1mis together with LacZ mRNA. Embryos were analyzed at gastrula or tadpole stage. A,B: Ventral views of embryos stained with Xbra. C,K: Lateral views of embryos stained with MyoD or c. actin. L: Horizontal section of a tail bud embryo stained with c. actin. M: Outline of muscle segmentation pattern observed in L.