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hoxd13xenopus forelimb digit 

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Experiment details for hoxd13

Characterization of Xenopus digits and regenerated limbs of the froglet.

Characterization of Xenopus digits and regenerated limbs of the froglet.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxd13.S laevis NF stage 54 forelimb digit

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  Figure 3. Gene expression in Xenopus developing forelimb. A-E: Gene expression in the forelimb bud at the paddle stage. A:Hoxa13 expression. B: Hoxd13 expression. Hoxd13 expression in the posterior region was stronger than that in the anterior region. C:Hoxd11 expression. Hoxd11 expression was detected in the autopodium. The expression domain in the autopodium was restricted to the subectodermal region. Hoxd11 was detectable in the anteriormost region of the autopodium (arrow). D:Tbx3 expression. Expression of tbx3 was present in both the anterior and posterior margins. E:Sox9 expression. R, radius; U, ulna. The first differentiating digit cartilage was observed (arrowheads). F-J: Gene expression in the forelimb bud at the digit stage. F:Hoxa13 expression. The distal region of each digit still expressed hoxa13 at this stage. G:Hoxd13 expression. The hoxd13 expression pattern was similar to the hoxa13 expression pattern.H:Hoxd11 expression. Hoxd11 expression was detected in the anteriormost digit (arrows). I:Tbx3 expression. Arrowheads in I' indicate the expression border. J:Sox9 expression. Sox9 expression was detectable in digit cartilages. A'-J': Higher magnification of each figure. Arrowheads in I' indicate the tbx3 expression border. II-V are the digit numbers suggested by our results. Distal is to the top, and anterior is at the left. Roman numbers in F-J represent putative digit numbers.