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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
hoxb3xenopus neural fold 

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Experiment details for hoxb3

New methods for computational decomposition of whole-mount in situ images enable effective curation of a large, highly redun...

New methods for computational decomposition of whole-mount in situ images enable effective curation of a large, highly redundant collection of Xenopus images.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxb3.S laevis NF stage 17 to NF stage 20 neural fold

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  Fig 5. Developmental progression of expression for selected genes prdm1, ank1, and hoxb3 during Xenopus embryo development. This is the result of applying our suite of image analysis tools to (in this case) the 334 original images for these three genes, and reducing them to a representative set of 65 images, including multiple views of expression patterns from the early spherical stages (pre-Stage 22).