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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
hoxb3xenopus rostral presomitic mesoderm 

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Experiment details for hoxb3

Griffin JN et al. (2015) Assay

The ribosome biogenesis factor Nol11 is required for optimal rDNA transcription and craniofacial development in Xenopus.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxb3 tropicalis NF stage 28 rostral presomitic mesoderm

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  S3 Fig. Patterning and Apoptosis in nol11 morphants. A) Somite, CNC and neural development appear intact in nol11 morphants at stage 14 as assayed by myoD, ap2 and pax2 expression. Expression of xnot appears reduced at stage 28. B) Reduced dlx5 expression and BA hypoplasia on treated side of a stage 28 embryo. Neural patterning is normal at this stage as assayed by expression of pax2, hoxb3 and sox3. C) Whole mount TUNEL staining of treated and untreated sides of a stage 28 embryo. Note the increased staining in the craniofacial regions of the morphant side. doi:10.1371/journal.pgen.1005018.s003