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hoxb3xenopus posterior branchial crest 

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Experiment details for hoxb3

Expression patterns of Hoxb genes in the Xenopus embryo suggest roles in anteroposterior specification of the hindbrain and i...

Expression patterns of Hoxb genes in the Xenopus embryo suggest roles in anteroposterior specification of the hindbrain and in dorsoventral patterning of the mesoderm.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxb3.S laevis NF stage 25 posterior branchial crest

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  FIG. 2. Development of Hoxb gene expression patterns. In situ hybridization of Hoxb gene probes to early neurula (A, D, G, J, M), midneurula (13, E, H, K, N), and early tailbud stage embryos (C, F, I, L, O). Whole embryos were hybridized with probes from the following genes; (A-C) Hoxb-1, (D-F) Hoxb-3, (G-I) Hoxb-4, (J) Hoxb-5, (K, L) Hoxb-7, (M-O) Hoxb-t9. All embryos are shown with anterior to the left. All neurula stage embryos were photographed in methanol without clearing and with the exception of (K) all are shown as dorsal views. The later stage embryos were cleared in Murray and were photographed from the side. Note the Haxb staining at the lateral edges of the neural plate at stage 12.5- 13 in (A). This staining appears to be relatively posterior compared to the stage 17 embryos hybridized to the Hoxb-i probe. This is explained by the disproportionate elongation of the trunk region during neurulation. The Haxb-3-stained embryo in (D) is slightly later (stage 14/15) than the other early neurulae shown, so the neural folds are already raised and the staining appears relatively anterior because of the changing shape of the embryo. The embryo is tilted slightly to one side. The stage 13 embryo in (J) was unstained by the Hoxb-5 probe. In (F) the unfocused staining anterior to the main hindbrain and third branchial arch staining is on the other side of the cleared embryo.