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hoxb3xenopus anterior neural tube [+] 

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Experiment details for hoxb3

Expression patterns of Hoxb genes in the Xenopus embryo suggest roles in anteroposterior specification of the hindbrain and i...

Expression patterns of Hoxb genes in the Xenopus embryo suggest roles in anteroposterior specification of the hindbrain and in dorsoventral patterning of the mesoderm.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hoxb3.S laevis NF stage 27 anterior neural tube

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  Fig. 3. Localization of Hoxb gene expression on sections. Transverse (A-E, G) and sagittal (F) sections of whole embryos hybridized with Hoxh gene probes. Only the dorsal structures are shown. The hybridization signal is blue and the red color is a nuclear counterstain. (A) Strong Hoxb1 expression in the neural crest and weaker expression in the forming neural tube at stage 17. (B) Hoxb-1 expression in rhoxnbomere 4 at stage 24. Note the unstained floorplate of the neural tube. (C) Hoxb-3 expression in the neural crest and future neural tube at stage 17/18. (D) Hoxb-3 expression in the hindbrain at stage 27. The epidermal staining is nonspecific. This section was not counterstained with neutral red. (E) Hoxb-4 expression in the future neural tube of a stage 17 embryo The somites are also weakly stained (F) Sagittal section of a stage 32 embryo which had been hybridized with the Hoxb-4 probe, showing somite staining. (G) Hoxb-5 staining in the spinal cord of a stage 28 embryo. Abbreviations: nc, neural crest; n, notochord; ar, archenteron cavity; s, somites; e, ear anlage.