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Experiment details for hes4

Hooker L et al. (2012) Assay

Microarray-based identification of Pitx3 targets during Xenopus embryogenesis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
hes4.S laevis NF stage 19 eye primordium , paraxial mesoderm , cranial neural crest
hes4.S laevis NF stage 27 brain , mesoderm , presomitic mesoderm , somite , eye , [+]

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  Fig. 9. In situ hybridization analysis for putative segmentation targets of Pitx3. Visual comparisons of gene expression patterns between right- side injected control-morpholino (Cmo) or Pitx3-morpholino (Pmo) embryos and contralateral control. A0: Ripply2 expression, showing as two stripes in the presomitic mesoderm, shows an anterior shift (black arrow) in expression at stage 19 when treated with Pmo (A0) instead of Cmo (A). At stage 27, Ripply2 expression pattern loses its distinct shape and becomes unrestricted in response to Pmo (B0), whereas with Cmo treatment, precise patterning of this gene expression remains intact (B). C0: Hes4 expression becomes blurred in Pmo-treated embryos at stage 19 (C0) and at stage 27 (D0) Hes4 expression is absent in the presomitic mesoderm (black arrow) and pronephros areas, compared with Cmo-treated embryos (D). E0: Hes7 no longer expresses in the most anterior stripe (black arrow), and the remaining two stripes are shifted anteriorly in comparison to the contralateral control (E0). At stage 27, on the Pmo side of the embryo (F0), Hes7 shows increased expression in the presomitic mesoderm (white arrow) and again an anterior shift of the striped pattern (black arrow). Dotted line represents the midline of the embryo, separating injected right-side from contralateral left-side control.