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fgf4xenopus axial mesoderm [+] 

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Experiment details for fgf4

eFGF is expressed in the dorsal midline of Xenopus laevis.

eFGF is expressed in the dorsal midline of Xenopus laevis.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
fgf4.L laevis NF stage 13 notochord , axial mesoderm
fgf4.L laevis NF stage 23 to NF stage 26 notochord

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  Fig. 1. eFGF and Xbra expression during development. IA,B,C,E,F,H,I,J,K and LI Embryos hybridized to eFGF antisense RNA. ID and GI Embryos hybridized to Xbra antisense RNA IA and BI Vegetal views (dorsal is to the top) of stage 10.5 embryos showing eFGF expression in the mesoderm of the marginal zone around the blastopore. The arrow indicates the position of the dorsal lip (bp) The specimen in (B) has been cleared. IC) shows the cut surface of a stage 10.5 embryo that has been manually dissected along the dorsoventral midline ra reveal staining in the deep layers of the marginal zone (dorsal is to the right and animal ra the rap) showing that there is a higher level of eFGF expression in the dorsal marginal zone (dmz) than in the ventral marginal zone (vmz) (note the animal hemisphere has collapsed onto the vegetal yolk mass during processing). (DI Dorsovegetal view of Xbra staining In the blastopore region and involuting dorsal mesoderm of a stage 1 7.5 embryo. IE) Oorsovegetal view showing high levels of eFGF expression in the involuting dorsal mesoderm of a stage 17.5 embryo above the dorsal lip (dl) of the blastopore. (FI Posterior view of a stage 13 embryo (dorsal to the top) showing eFGF expression in the notochord (nee) and around the blastopore (bp). tG and H) Dorsal views of stage 13 embryos (anterior to the rap) showing expression of Xbra and eFGF respectively. in the notochord and posterior around the closed blastopore (bpJ. (I) Posterior dorsal view of a cleared stage 23 embryo (anterior is into the page) showing eFGF expression in tail-bud (rib) and in the posterior notochord (nee). {JI Side view of a cleared stage 23 embryo (anterior to the right) showing that eFGF expression is restricted to the extreme posterior of the developing axis. The arrow shows the posItion Df the proctodeum (pcd). (K) Side view of the tail forming region from a cleared stage 31 embryo showing eFGF expression in the chordoneural hinge (cnh) and posterior wall (pw) of the neuroenteric canal (nee). (L) Side view of a cleared stage 31 embryo showing a prominent stnpe of eFGF expression at the midbrain/hindbrain junction (mhj) (note the staining in the brain and branchial arch cavities is background).