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fgf3xenopus involuted ventral mesoderm [+] 

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Experiment details for fgf3

Colas A et al. (2008) Assay

Mix.1/2-dependent control of FGF availability during gastrulation is essential for pronephros development in Xenopus.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
fgf3.S laevis NF stage 11 involuted ventral mesoderm

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  Fig. 9. Perturbation of FGF signals during gastrulation by Mix.1 overexpression. High dose of Mix.1 mRNA (100 pg) was injected into the two right blastomeres at the 4-cell stage, and embryos cultured until the mid-gastrula stage for in situ hybridization analysis of FGF-encoding genes (FGF3, 4, 8) or FGF-target genes (Xbra and XmyoD). Expression of all analyzed genes is inhibited indicating that Mix.1 overexpression globally interfered with FGF signals in the marginal zone. At a lower dose that does not block gastrulation (25 pg), Xbra is still down-regulated. Embryos of the same series of injection fixed at later stages express XPax-8 at the neurula stage and XSMP30 at the tailbud stage, showing that pronephros development has not been affected.