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Experiment details for egr2

The Meis3 protein and retinoid signaling interact to pattern the Xenopus hindbrain.

The Meis3 protein and retinoid signaling interact to pattern the Xenopus hindbrain.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
egr2.L laevis NF stage 20 hindbrain , cranial neural crest , rhombomere , rhombomere R3 , rhombomere R5

  Fig. 7. HoxD1 protein acts downstream of XMeis3. Two-cell albino embryos were injected unilaterally into the animal hemisphere of one blastomere with RNAs encoding XMeis3 and HoxD1-Eng (antimorph) proteins or XMeis3-MO and RNA encoding HoxD1 protein. In situ hybridization to Krox20 was performed in neurula stage embryos. All embryos are injected on the left side, viewed dorsally, and are oriented anterior (top), posterior (bottom). (A) Control (uninjected). (B) 0.8 ng XMeis3 RNA, Krox20 expression was increased in 81% of the embryos (9/11). (C) 0.1 ng HoxD1-Eng RNA, Krox20 expression was lost in 90% of the embryos (20/22). (D) 0.8 ng XMeis3 RNA, 0.1 ng HoxD1-Eng RNA RNA (two representative embryos), ectopic Krox20 expression was inhibited in 93% of the embryos (13/14). (E) 18 ng XMeis3-MO, Krox20 expression was highly inhibited in 75% of the embryos (39/52), Krox20 expression was fairly normal on both sides in 13.5% of the embryos (7/52). (F) 18 ng XMeis3 MO, 0.8 ng HoxD1 RNA (two representative embryos), Krox20 expression was fairly normal in 58% of the embryos (14/24). Krox20 expression was highly inhibited in only 21% of the embryos (5/24). Embryos solely expressing HoxD1 RNA resembled uninjected controls (see Fig. 6C). Similar results were observed for HoxB3 expression (not shown).