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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
dnd1xenopus vegetal blastomere 

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Experiment details for dnd1

Weidinger G et al. (2003) Assay

dead end, a novel vertebrate germ plasm component, is required for zebrafish primordial germ cell migration and survival.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
dnd1.L laevis NF stage 5 (16-cell) vegetal blastomere

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  Figure 4. dead end Orthologs Are Expressed in Germ Plasm and Germ Cells in Xenopus, Mouse, and Chick (A and B) Vegetal views of Xenopus laevis embryos at the 16-cell stage stained for expression of dnd (arrow in A) and Xpat (B) RNAs. Both are present in aggregates at the cleavage planes where the Xenopus germ plasm resides. (C) Mouse gonads plus attached mesonephroi explanted from embryos at the indicated days post coitum (dpc) stained for expression of dnd RNA. (D) Expression of chick dnd in PGCs (arrow) after their arrival at the region of the gonad (stage 18 according to [25]).