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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
bmp7.1xenopus pronephric nephrostome 

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Experiment details for bmp7.1

Alarcón P et al. (2009) Assay

A dual requirement for Iroquois genes during Xenopus kidney development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
bmp7.1.L laevis NF stage 32 pronephric nephrostome

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  Fig. 6. Irx gene loss of function kidney defects are partially rescued by increased Smad1 activity in Xenopus. Embryos are shown in lateral views and red arrowheads indicate the kidney territory. Embryos were injected in a single blastomere (V2.2) at the 8- to 16-cell stage and lacZ mRNA was used as linear tracer. (A,B) Injection of 500 pg of Smad1GR mRNA, upon addition of dexamethasone (Dex) at stage 14, expanded Pax8 expression. No effect was observed in the absence of hormone (not shown). (C-F) In embryos co-injected with 500 pg of Smad1GR mRNA and 4 ng of each Irx1 and Irx3 MOs Pax8 expression was downregulated (C,D) or rescued (E,F) in the absence or presence of Dex, respectively. (G,H) Depletion of Irx1 and Irx3 impaired Bmp7 expression.