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Experiment details for aplnr

XRASGRP2 is essential for blood vessel formation during Xenopus development.

XRASGRP2 is essential for blood vessel formation during Xenopus development.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
aplnr.L laevis NF stage 31 cardinal vein , vein , aortic arch , blood vessel , intersomitic vessel

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  Fig. 3. XRASGRP2 depletion results in aberrant development of blood vessels. (A) Schematic model for the splice inhibition antisense morpholino oligo- nucleotides (S-MOs). The binding site of MO is represented by a bolded blue line. Arrows indicate the primers used in the RT-PCR to examine the efficacies of the S-MOs. (B) The control MO (c, 40 ng), aS- MO (aS, 40 ng), bS-MO (bS, 40 ng), and S- MO (S, 40 ng, comprising 20 ng aS-MO plus 20 ng bS-MO) were injected into 2- cell-stage embryos, and the embryos were analyzed by RT-PCR at stage 30. The presence of the 312-bp band indicates amplification of the normally spliced mRNA. The intensity of this band is re- duced in both the aS-MO-injected and bS- MO-injected embryos, as compared to the uninjected embryos and control MO- injected embryos, and this band is not detected for the S-MO-injected embryos. This indicates that the S-MO-injected embryos do not produce a functional XRASGRP2 protein. Sample without reverse transcriptase; n uninjected embryos. (C-F) Expression patterns of blood vessel marker genes. The 2-cell-stage embryos were injected with the control MO (40 ng) or S-MO (40 ng) into one blastomere (corresponding to the future right-hand side), and harvested at stage 31. The injected sides are indicated as [Inj(+)] and the uninjected sides are indi- cated as [Inj(-)]. The expression levels of Xflk-1 in the PCV (C, red arrows) and of Xmsr in the ISV (D, black arrows) are diminished in the S-MO-injected side. The expression levels of Xtie2 (E) and Ami (F) in the PCV (red arrows) and VVN (red arrowheads) are diminished in the S-MO-injected side. The expression level of Ami (F) is greatly reduced in the S-MO-in- jected side. No differences are seen in the control MO-injected embryos. (G) The expression of Ami in VVN is gradually mitigated in the S-MO-injected side. (H) Expression of globin T3 in the control MO-injected embryos. S-MO injection does not affect the level of globin T3 expression.