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Gene/CloneSpeciesStageAnatomy ItemExperimenter
acta2xenopus gut epithelium 

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Experiment details for acta2

Barillot W et al. (2008) Assay

Induction and modulation of smooth muscle differentiation in Xenopus embryonic cells.

Gene Clone Species Stages Anatomy
acta2.L laevis NF stage 42 gut epithelium

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  Figure 4. Spatial expression of SM-MHC and SM alpha -actin in developing embryo. A: Whole-mount in situ hybridization (a,b) and in situ hybridization on cross-sections embryo (c-h) of SM-MHC (a,c,e,g) and SM alpha -actin (b,d,f,h). a: SM-MHC expression in branchial arches (ba) and around the dorsal aorta (da) in stage 38 embryo. b: SM alpha -actin expression in embryonic heart (h) in stage 38 embryo. c-f: SM-MHC and SM alpha -actin expression (arrowheads) in the muscle layer of stage 42 embryonic gut. The squares in c and d indicate higher magnification of the section showed in e and f, respectively. g: SM-MHC expression is detected in cells surrounding the aorta (ao) in stage 46 embryo but not in ventricle (vent) or atrium (atr). h: SM alpha -actin expression in muscle layer of intestine (int) in stage 46 embryo. B: SM alpha -actin expression in cross-section of stage 42 embryo analyzed by immunohistochemistry (a-c) and immunofluorescence (d-f). a: The squares indicate higher magnification of the section showed in b and c, respectively. b: SM alpha -actin expression in muscle layer of the gut (arrowhead). c: SM alpha -actin expression in cells surrounding the dorsal aorta (arrowhead). d: The squares indicate higher magnification of the section showed in e and f, respectively. e: SM alpha -actin expression in the muscle layer of the gut (arrowhead). f: SM alpha -actin expression in the cells surrounding the dorsal aorta (arrowhead).