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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (0) GO Terms (1) Nucleotides (5) Proteins (6) Interactants (0) Wiki
XB-GENEPAGE- 29088818

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis.L

Protein sequences for LOC105945582 - All

Models (1)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 mRNA088887 X. tropicalis

NCBI Proteins (6)

Accession Species Source
XP_017952454 X. tropicalis NCBI Protein
XP_017952454 X. tropicalis RefSeq
XP_031748252 X. tropicalis RefSeq
KAE8588494 X. tropicalis RefSeq

UniProt Proteins (2)

Accession Species Source
A0A8J0SWH3 (InterPro) X. tropicalis TrEMBL
A0A8J1IRM6 (InterPro) X. tropicalis TrEMBL