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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (3) GO Terms (1) Nucleotides (160) Proteins (63) Interactants (57) Wiki

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis.L

Nucleotide sequences for patj - All

RefSeq mRNAs(12)
Models - Gene (24)
Models - mRNA (38)
mRNAs (15)
ESTs (36)

RefSeq mRNAs (12)

Accession Version Protein Name Length Protein Species
XM_002931589 XM_002931589.5 inaD-like protein isoform X1 5967 bp XP_002931635 X. tropicalis
XM_012961547 XM_012961547.3 inaD-like protein isoform X2 5964 bp XP_012817001 X. tropicalis
XM_012961548 XM_012961548.3 inaD-like protein isoform X5 5757 bp XP_012817002 X. tropicalis
XM_012961550 XM_012961550.3 inaD-like protein isoform X6 5655 bp XP_012817004 X. tropicalis
XM_018093561 XM_018093561.2 inaD-like protein isoform X4 5865 bp XP_017949050 X. tropicalis
XM_031900898 XM_031900898.1 XP_031756758.1 inaD-like protein isoform X1 5955 bp XP_031756758 X. tropicalis
XM_031900899 XM_031900899.1 XP_031756759.1 inaD-like protein isoform X3 5898 bp XP_031756759 X. tropicalis
XM_041590397 XM_041590397.1 XP_041446331.1 inaD-like protein isoform X1 5664 bp XP_041446331 X. laevis.L
XM_041590398 XM_041590398.1 XP_041446332.1 inaD-like protein isoform X1 5663 bp XP_041446332 X. laevis.L
XM_041590399 XM_041590399.1 XP_041446333.1 inaD-like protein isoform X2 5661 bp XP_041446333 X. laevis.L
XM_041590400 XM_041590400.1 XP_041446334.1 inaD-like protein isoform X3 5562 bp XP_041446334 X. laevis.L
XM_041590401 XM_041590401.1 XP_041446335.1 inaD-like protein isoform X4 5454 bp XP_041446335 X. laevis.L

Models - Gene (24)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.1 XBXL10_1g19083 X. laevis.L
NCBI 10.0 XBXT10g014445 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 patj X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 gene1811 X. laevis.L
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18023007m.g X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.1 gene7291 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 nphp3 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.D01830 X. tropicalis
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10049631m.g X. laevis.L
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.227.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.88.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.2.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_40123 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_40189 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_4000125 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.86.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.189.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.2.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.217.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.227.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.86.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.88.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.189.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.217.1 X. tropicalis

mRNAs based on gene models(38)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA35246 X. laevis.L
NCBI 10.0 mRNA071467 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000060609 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000062683 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000083502 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000089612 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000103186 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 rna5274 X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.1 rna23573 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000062683 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000074868 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000103186 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000083502 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000085282 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000086363 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000089612 X. tropicalis
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18023007m X. laevis.L
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000096228 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000060609 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.D01830.3 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.D01830.2 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.D01830.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10049631m X. laevis.L
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.189.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.2.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.217.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.227.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.86.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.4.88.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_4000125 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_40189 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_40123 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.88.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.86.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.227.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.217.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.2.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.4.189.1 X. tropicalis

mRNAs from cDNA libraries (15)

Clone Accession Species Library Anatomy Stage
XM_031900899 X. tropicalis
XM_018093561 X. tropicalis
XM_002931589 X. tropicalis
XM_012961548 X. tropicalis
XM_012961547 X. tropicalis
IMAGE:7683501 BC127285 X. tropicalis
TEgg131e17 CT030316 X. tropicalis
TGas006k20 CU075667 X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
XM_031900898 X. tropicalis
XM_012961550 X. tropicalis
XM_041590397 X. laevis.L
XM_041590401 X. laevis.L
XM_041590399 X. laevis.L
XM_041590398 X. laevis.L
XM_041590400 X. laevis.L

ESTs (36)

Clone Accession 5'/3' Species Library Anatomy Stage
CAAO9232 CX957424 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
TGas006k20 AL594354 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
IMAGE:7707659 CX960478 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7534591 CX428579 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7738469 DN026695 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7576911 CX422064 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7748423 DN044937 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropKid1 mesonephric kidney frog
IMAGE:8854196 EL816244 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:7543781 CX459407 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:8857660 EL821098 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8915675 EL828251 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8859625 EL824011 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8913868 EL826495 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:7534090 CX428424 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7606063 CX413081 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7695713 CX924870 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe4 testis frog
IMAGE:7529376 CX426555 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7707659 CX960477 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7576911 CX422063 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7529376 CX426554 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7534090 CX428423 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7534591 CX428578 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7543781 CX459406 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7606063 CX413080 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
CAAO9232 CX957423 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7738469 DN026694 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropLiv1 liver frog
IMAGE:7748423 DN044936 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropKid1 mesonephric kidney frog
IMAGE:8854196 EL816245 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8857660 EL821099 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8859625 EL824012 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8913868 EL826496 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8915675 EL828252 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
XL042o21 BJ038260 5' X. laevis.L NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL101f20 BJ074289 5' X. laevis.L NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
XL101f20 BJ091745 3' X. laevis.L NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
XL042o21 BJ052859 3' X. laevis.L NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15