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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (0) GO Terms (4) Nucleotides (212) Proteins (30) Interactants (1) Wiki

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis.L

Nucleotide sequences for trnau1ap - All

RefSeq mRNAs(3)
Models - Gene (17)
Models - mRNA (18)
mRNAs (5)
ESTs (131)

RefSeq mRNAs (3)

Accession Version Protein Name Length Protein Species
NM_001078752 NM_001078752.1 tRNA selenocysteine 1-associated protein 1 1077 bp NP_001072220 X. tropicalis
XM_031905164 XM_031905164.1 XP_031761024.1 tRNA selenocysteine 1-associated protein 1 isoform X1 2144 bp XP_031761024 X. tropicalis
NM_001087119 NM_001087119.1 tRNA selenocysteine 1 associated protein 1 S homeolog 1002 bp NP_001080588 X. laevis.S

Models - Gene (17)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 XBXT10g011682 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.1 XBXL10_1g33911 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 10.0 trnau1ap X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.1 gene24710 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 gene46643 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 9.1 trnau1apl1 X. tropicalis
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14031835m.g X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.G00910 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETG00000014263 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_kg.C_scaffold_1060000003 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.1060.17.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.1060.23.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.1060.17.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.1060.23.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_1060000008 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_1060000009 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pm.C_scaffold_1060000002 X. tropicalis

mRNAs based on gene models(18)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 mRNA058010 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA63986 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000061529 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000105852 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.1 rna49176 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 rna91499 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000061529 X. tropicalis
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14031835m X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.G00910.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_kg.C_scaffold_1060000003 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETT00000031233 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.1060.17.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.1060.23.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.1060.17.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.1060.23.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_1060000008 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_1060000009 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pm.C_scaffold_1060000002 X. tropicalis

mRNAs from cDNA libraries (5)

Clone Accession Species Library Anatomy Stage
NM_001078752 X. tropicalis
IMAGE:7685204 BC118799 X. tropicalis
XM_031905164 X. tropicalis
IMAGE:5048754 BC056124 X. laevis.S
NM_001087119 X. laevis.S

ESTs (131)

Clone Accession 5'/3' Species Library Anatomy Stage
TNeu094l20 AL786763 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
st62m02 DC182100 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7539162 CX451930 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7541103 CX462697 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7847236 DT531177 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropSkeMus1 skeletal muscle frog
IMAGE:7639914 CX385788 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7786154 CX327904 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
CAAO7147 CX940467 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
XZT12092 CX320297 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
THdA048f18 CR584205 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA051f21 CR586647 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:7521320 CX470026 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7558403 CX497251 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7533348 CX434849 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
xthr33N14 CN109542 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
xthr35M19 CN110318 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
TTbA007e23 CR409159 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA044b07 CR426957 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA069l22 CR439840 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA039e06 CR574874 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TNeu093f10 AL804226 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TGas034o08 AL654158 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas112i14 AL960183 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas130n02 AL969013 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
IMAGE:5382522 BQ393757 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Emb6 whole organism NF stage 14 to NF stage 19
TNeu031d02 AL655643 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TGas066j19 AL681583 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
IMAGE:7847236 DT531176 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropSkeMus1 skeletal muscle frog
CAAO7147 CX940466 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
rst62m02 DC151839 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
THdA048f18 CR584206 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
THdA051f21 CR586648 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:7639914 CX385787 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7541103 CX462696 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7558403 CX497250 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
xthr35M19 CN110317 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
xthr04B01 CN117774 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
TTbA007e23 CR409160 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TTbA069l22 CR439841 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TNeu093f10 BX693200 3' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu099b13 BX698783 3' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu099d13 BX698784 3' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TGas066j19 BX746795 3' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
xthr14K04 CN098296 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
xthr33N14 CN109541 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
IMAGE:5382522 BQ393756 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Emb6 whole organism NF stage 14 to NF stage 19
xlk105l22ex DC037462 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
xl323d21 DC129976 5' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
xl340k13 DC135095 5' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
xl240d11 DC105785 5' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
xl341k13 DC135407 5' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
xlk136l18ex DC047433 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
xlk165n22ex DC065974 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
xlk125o22ex DC043927 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
xlk65g04ex DC055943 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
XL517i18ex BP706348 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior neuroectoderm (ANE) pCS105 cDNA library ectoderm NF stage 12.5
XL507g22ex BP703162 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior neuroectoderm (ANE) pCS105 cDNA library ectoderm NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:8320672 DY573360 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb10 whole organism NF stage 17 to NF stage 19
XL217c14 BJ627148 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL220i07 BJ628114 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL170h09 BJ615066 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL172m07 BJ615603 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL179b10 BJ617006 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL193a05 BJ620430 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL199o19 BJ622136 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL207c13 BJ624081 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL214j14 BJ626351 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL215e19 BJ626567 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL146n11 BJ094856 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL147c21 BJ094940 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL150o05 BJ095612 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL092m06 BJ074233 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
XL142b04 BJ093320 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL142b08 BJ093324 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL144f16 BJ094075 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL144j24 BJ094164 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL145b03 BJ094298 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL006d18 BJ031150 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL006j17 BJ031255 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL006n05 BJ031328 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL020g17 BJ033320 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL069b17 BJ062801 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
IMAGE:4957028 BI447958 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb4 whole organism NF stage 31 to NF stage 32
XL038k22 BJ039840 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL004j12 BJ030583 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL026e12 BJ034096 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
IMAGE:3201662 AW767648 5' X. laevis.S Harland stage 19-23 whole organism NF stage 19 to NF stage 23
IMAGE:3420691 BG551818 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK St 10 5 whole organism NF stage 10.5
IMAGE:4678027 BI314799 5' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
rxlk136l18ex DC014200 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
rxl240d11 DC071495 3' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
rxl340k13 DC098980 3' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
rxlk115p20ex DC007802 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
rxlk105l22ex DC004567 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
rxlk125o22ex DC010787 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
rxlk51f10ex DC000108 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
XL215e19 BJ642941 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL217c14 BJ643467 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL220i07 BJ644380 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL486h18ex BP732000 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior neuroectoderm (ANE) pCS105 cDNA library ectoderm NF stage 12.5
XL507g22ex BP736069 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior neuroectoderm (ANE) pCS105 cDNA library ectoderm NF stage 12.5
rxlk165n22ex DC032421 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
XL170h09 BJ631730 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL172m07 BJ632229 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL179b10 BJ633508 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL193a05 BJ637072 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL199o19 BJ638822 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL207c13 BJ640665 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL214j14 BJ642739 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL150o05 BJ099503 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL142b04 BJ097528 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL142b08 BJ097531 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL144f16 BJ098050 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL144j24 BJ098112 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL147c21 BJ098570 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL148k22 BJ098972 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
XL069b17 BJ080742 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
XL092m06 BJ088368 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
XL099b22 BJ089597 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus tailbud library whole organism NF stage 25
XL006j17 BJ046194 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL006n05 BJ046264 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL020g17 BJ048615 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL038k22 BJ053395 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
IMAGE:4957028 BI447647 3' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb4 whole organism NF stage 31 to NF stage 32
XL004j12 BJ045569 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL026e12 BJ049483 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
XL006d18 BJ046089 3' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus neurula library whole organism NF stage 15
PBX0004A06 AW633121 3' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3420691 BG408102 3' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK St 10 5 whole organism NF stage 10.5
IMAGE:4678027 BI443115 3' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage