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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (0) GO Terms (3) Nucleotides (291) Proteins (48) Interactants (7) Wiki

Show:     All X. tropicalis X. laevis.L

Nucleotide sequences for smox - All

RefSeq mRNAs(4)
Models - Gene (29)
Models - mRNA (35)
mRNAs (5)
ESTs (116)

RefSeq mRNAs (4)

Accession Version Protein Name Length Protein Species
NM_001045670 NM_001045670.1 spermine oxidase 2098 bp NP_001039135 X. tropicalis
XM_018242981 XM_018242981.2 spermine oxidase 2107 bp XP_018098470 X. laevis.S
XM_018226982 XM_018226982.2 spermine oxidase isoform X1 2081 bp XP_018082471 X. laevis.L
XM_018226987 XM_018226987.2 spermine oxidase isoform X2 1920 bp XP_018082476 X. laevis.L

Models - Gene (29)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 XBXT10g016195 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.1 XBXL10_1g492 X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.2 gene6072 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 10.0 smox X. tropicalis
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18008815m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18004815m.g X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.1 gene29378 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 gene65 X. laevis.L
ENSEMBL 9.1 smox X. tropicalis
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14049608m.g X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.H00391 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16004512m.g X. laevis.S
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10022980m.g X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETG00000017992 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_2050003 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.284.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.3.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.31.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.317.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.284.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.3.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.31.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.317.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_2050284 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_2050317 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_2050040 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_2050011 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_205000040 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pm.C_scaffold_205000011 X. tropicalis

mRNAs based on gene models(35)

Source Version Model Species
NCBI 10.0 mRNA080105 X. tropicalis
NCBI 10.1 XBmRNA570 X. laevis.L
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000091373 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000039007 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 10.0 ENSXETT00000119195 X. tropicalis
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18004815m X. laevis.L
JGI 9.1 Xelaev18008815m X. laevis.S
Xenbase 9.1 rna56578 X. tropicalis
Xenbase 9.2 rna188 X. laevis.L
Xenbase 9.2 rna17767 X. laevis.S
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000074165 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000091373 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 9.1 ENSXETT00000039007 X. tropicalis
JGI 8.0 Xetrov14049608m X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.H00391.2 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.H00391.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.1 Xetro.H00391.3 X. tropicalis
JGI 7.2 Xelaev16004512m X. laevis.S
JGI 6.0 XeXenL6RMv10022980m X. laevis.S
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_2050003 X. tropicalis
ENSEMBL 4.1 ENSXETT00000039007 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.284.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.3.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.31.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 e_gw1.205.317.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.284.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.3.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.31.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 gw1.205.317.1 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_2050284 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_Genewise1.C_2050317 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pg.C_2050040 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 estExt_fgenesh1_pm.C_2050011 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pg.C_scaffold_205000040 X. tropicalis
JGI 4.1 fgenesh1_pm.C_scaffold_205000011 X. tropicalis

mRNAs from cDNA libraries (5)

Clone Accession Species Library Anatomy Stage
NM_001045670 X. tropicalis
TEgg005e13 CR942507 X. tropicalis
XM_018226987 X. laevis.L
XM_018226982 X. laevis.L
XM_018242981 X. laevis.S

ESTs (116)

Clone Accession 5'/3' Species Library Anatomy Stage
TNeu137n05 AL785900 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
IMAGE:8905252 EL797177 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8912189 EL808112 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8917317 EL830439 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8953029 EG655941 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropInt_62 intestine frog
IMAGE:8950382 EG656205 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropInt_60 intestine frog
st11o14 DC166159 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
st92f19 DC189485 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
st72j15 DC184590 5' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis embryo gastrula whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:8959730 EL653675 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropInt_63 intestine unspecified stage
IMAGE:8955971 EL658334 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropInt_62 intestine frog
IMAGE:8872003 EL714375 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropLimb_m limb NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8904549 EL795774 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:7562269 CX466011 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7573197 CX436586 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7578138 CX416445 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7593790 CX330452 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7594254 CX331508 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7789563 CX334841 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:8953619 EG654305 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropInt_62 intestine frog
IMAGE:8950146 EG655208 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropInt_60 intestine frog
IMAGE:7643529 CX798939 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn2 brain frog
IMAGE:7659188 CX839249 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn3 brain frog
IMAGE:7669664 CX876396 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn4 brain frog
IMAGE:7690400 CX914970 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe4 testis frog
IMAGE:7708809 CX962605 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7799185 DN059957 5' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropFat1 fat body frog
TTbA036e07 CR439546 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud whole organism NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
TGas010n24 AL630629 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas021h10 AL633127 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas069m02 AL683781 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas087a16 AL960322 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas095f21 AL962467 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas134e09 AL966315 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas097m05 AL970833 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas097j07 AL970896 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TNeu143j08 AL796204 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu140d24 AL797711 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu138b18 AL799377 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu127g12 AL801053 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TGas003f02 AL594043 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas012g02 AL634056 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TTpA016j13 BX714031 5' X. tropicalis XGC-tadpole whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 40
TGas001n04 AL594883 5' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
IMAGE:6999527 CF343925 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Swb1 whole organism frog
IMAGE:6999527 CF343926 5' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_Swb1 whole organism frog
TNeu006h22 AL635197 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu024i05 AL639328 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu007n01 AL642456 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu027g09 AL644261 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu021e13 AL645407 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu092p13 AL781087 5' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
IMAGE:8904549 EL795775 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8905252 EL797178 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8912189 EL808113 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTail_m tail NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:8917317 EL830440 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropTe1 testis frog
IMAGE:8872003 EL714374 3' X. tropicalis NICHD_XGC_tropLimb_m limb NF stage 55 to NF stage 66
IMAGE:7669664 CX876395 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn4 brain frog
IMAGE:7708809 CX962604 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe5 testis frog
IMAGE:7512252 CX740771 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas5 whole organism NF stage 10 to NF stage 18
IMAGE:7643529 CX798938 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn2 brain frog
IMAGE:7690400 CX914969 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTe4 testis frog
IMAGE:7659188 CX839248 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropBrn3 brain frog
TGas097m05 BX755293 3' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas079f21 BX762571 3' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
xthr45H05 CN116938 3' X. tropicalis Xenopus tropicalis xthr plasmid library head NF stage 25 to NF stage 35 and 36
THdA028p21 CR581010 3' X. tropicalis XGC-tailbud-head head NF stage 28 to NF stage 29 and 30
IMAGE:7593790 CX330451 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7594254 CX331507 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropTad5 whole organism NF stage 35 and 36 to NF stage 41
IMAGE:7578138 CX416444 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7573197 CX436585 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
IMAGE:7562269 CX466010 3' X. tropicalis NIH_XGC_tropGas7 whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12.5
TGas095f21 BX751392 3' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas087a16 BX752784 3' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TGas097j07 BX755239 3' X. tropicalis XGC-gastrula whole organism NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 12
TNeu092p13 BX693108 3' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
TNeu127g12 BX697653 3' X. tropicalis XGC-neurula whole organism NF stage 13 to NF stage 21
IMAGp998C128394 BX846805 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pRN3 oocyte oocyte unspecified stage
IMAGE:7981062 DR720529 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb10 whole organism NF stage 17 to NF stage 19
IMAGE:8320822 DY559622 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb10 whole organism NF stage 17 to NF stage 19
xlk79d03ex DC060699 5' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
xl320n07 DC129243 5' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
xl269h08 DC114571 5' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
IMAGE:5155888 CA790263 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb1 whole organism NF stage 10
IMAGE:6324226 CA972461 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6867657 CA981255 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6867746 CA981319 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6868011 CA981522 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6870750 CA982135 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6870754 CA982138 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6870834 CA982200 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:6867216 CA982666 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
XL208b10 BJ624315 5' X. laevis.S NIBB Mochii normalized Xenopus early gastrula library whole organism NF stage 10.5
IMAGE:3744071 BF427453 5' X. laevis.S Xenopus laevis unfertilized egg cDNA library egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3437123 BF614384 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pRN3 oocyte oocyte unspecified stage
IMAGE:3437751 BG730168 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pRN3 oocyte oocyte unspecified stage
IMAGE:4678084 BI314882 5' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:5572467 BQ735987 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb4 whole organism NF stage 31 to NF stage 32
IMAGE:6634773 BU909181 5' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb1 whole organism NF stage 10
BE025689 BE025689 5' X. laevis.S Xenopus laevis oocyte oocyte NF stage 5 (16-cell) to NF stage 6 (32-cell)
IMAGE:3301396 BE132307 5' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3378194 BE506232 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3377643 BE189958 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3379102 BF048694 5' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3746480 BF427120 5' X. laevis.S Xenopus laevis oocyte non normalized oocyte NF stage 5 (16-cell) to NF stage 6 (32-cell)
PBX0045F04 AW636347 5' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
PBX0099E09 AW640845 5' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
PBX0165B09 AW646554 5' X. laevis.S Blackshear/Soares normalized Xenopus egg library egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:7981062 DR720524 3' X. laevis.S NICHD_XGC_Emb10 whole organism NF stage 17 to NF stage 19
rxlk79d03ex DC027223 3' X. laevis.S Osada Taira anterior endomesoderm (AEM) pCS105 cDNA library endomesoderm NF stage 12.5
rxl269h08 DC079702 3' X. laevis.S Yamamoto/Hyodo-Miura NIBB/NBRP Xenopus DMZ pCS2p+ cDNA library Keller explant NF stage 10.5 to NF stage 15
IMAGE:3744394 BG016986 3' X. laevis.S Xenopus laevis unfertilized egg cDNA library egg unfertilized egg stage
IMAGE:3746480 BG018148 3' X. laevis.S Xenopus laevis oocyte non normalized oocyte NF stage 5 (16-cell) to NF stage 6 (32-cell)
BE026454 BE026454 3' X. laevis.S Xenopus laevis oocyte oocyte NF stage 5 (16-cell) to NF stage 6 (32-cell)
IMAGE:3377643 BE189238 3' X. laevis.S Wellcome CRC pSK egg egg unfertilized egg stage