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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (0) GO Terms (4) Nucleotides (4) Proteins (4) Interactants (0) Wiki
XB-GENEPAGE- 29089298

Gene Ontology
Category GO Terms Show all Annotations
Molecular Function
  1. chemokine receptor activity
    1. A0A6I8R4J8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)

Biological Process
  1. chemotaxis
    1. A0A6I8R4J8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)

Cellular Component
  1. early endosome
    1. A0A6I8R4J8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)
  2. [+]
  3. plasma membrane
    1. A0A6I8R4J8 (TrEMBL, spp.: X.tropicalis)