Monarch Ortholog Phenotypes
Human (75 sources):
Abnormal antihelix morphology,
Abnormal cerebral morphology,
Abnormal clavicle morphology,
Abnormal dermatoglyphics,
Abnormal lacrimal duct morphology,
Abnormal nasolacrimal system morphology,
Abnormal renal collecting system morphology,
Abnormality of speech or vocalization,
Abnormality of the inner ear,
Abnormality of the middle ear ossicles,
Abnormality of the outer ear,
Anteverted nares,
Atresia of the external auditory canal,
Bifid uvula,
Branchial cyst,
Branchial fistula,
Cleft palate,
Cochlear malformation,
Conductive hearing impairment,
Congenital hip dislocation,
Cupped ear,
Delayed skeletal maturation,
Depressed nasal bridge,
Dilatated internal auditory canal,
Down-sloping shoulders,
Enlarged cochlear aqueduct,
Euthyroid goiter,
Facial asymmetry,
Facial palsy,
Full cheeks,
Global developmental delay,
Gustatory lacrimation,
Hearing impairment,
High palate,
Hypoplasia of the cochlea,
Incomplete partition of the cochlea type II,
Increased overbite,
Intellectual disability,
Intestinal malrotation,
Lacrimal duct aplasia,
Lacrimal duct stenosis,
Lacrimation abnormality,
Lip pit,
Long face,
Low-set ears,
Mixed hearing impairment,
Morphological abnormality of the middle ear,
Multicystic kidney dysplasia,
Narrow face,
Polycystic kidney dysplasia,
Preauricular pit,
Preauricular skin tag,
Protruding ear,
Renal agenesis,
Renal dysplasia,
Renal hypoplasia/aplasia,
Renal insufficiency,
Renal malrotation,
Renal steatosis,
Scapular winging,
Sensorineural hearing impairment,
Short stature,
Stenosis of the external auditory canal,
Ureteropelvic junction obstruction,
Vesicoureteral reflux,
obsolete External ear malformation
Mouse (86 sources):
abnormal basisphenoid bone morphology,
abnormal body wall morphology,
abnormal cardiovascular development,
abnormal cell differentiation,
abnormal cochlea morphology,
abnormal cochlear ganglion morphology,
abnormal cochlear hair cell morphology,
abnormal common crus morphology,
abnormal craniofacial development,
abnormal cranium morphology,
abnormal embryo size,
abnormal endolymphatic duct morphology,
abnormal external auditory canal morphology,
abnormal first pharyngeal pouch morphology,
abnormal geniculate ganglion morphology,
abnormal hyoid bone lesser horn morphology,
abnormal incus morphology,
abnormal ischium morphology,
abnormal kidney morphology,
abnormal lung epithelium morphology,
abnormal middle ear ossicle morphology,
abnormal mitotic spindle morphology,
abnormal orientation of cochlear hair cell stereociliary bundles,
abnormal otic vesicle development,
abnormal outer ear morphology,
abnormal palate development,
abnormal pterygoid process morphology,
abnormal pubis morphology,
abnormal semicircular canal ampulla morphology,
abnormal skeletal muscle morphology,
abnormal sternocostal joint morphology,
abnormal temporal bone morphology,
abnormal thyroid cartilage morphology,
abnormal tympanic membrane morphology,
abnormal vestibular labyrinth morphology,
abnormal zygomatic bone morphology,
absent auditory bulla,
absent endolymphatic duct,
absent lateral semicircular canal,
absent malleus processus brevis,
absent maxilla,
absent organ of Corti,
absent parathyroid glands,
absent petrosal ganglion,
absent posterior semicircular canal,
absent thyroid gland isthmus,
absent tympanic cavity,
absent ureter,
absent ureteric bud,
absent vestibular ganglion,
absent vestibular saccule,
cochlear ganglion degeneration,
conductive hearing loss,
decreased cochlear inner hair cell number,
decreased cochlear outer hair cell number,
decreased lateral semicircular canal size,
decreased maxillary shelf size,
decreased otic epithelial cell proliferation,
decreased outer hair cell stereocilia number,
decreased palatine bone horizontal plate size,
decreased posterior semicircular canal size,
decreased superior semicircular canal size,
decreased tympanic ring size,
decreased vestibular hair cell number,
eyelids open at birth,
head bobbing,
increased cochlear inner hair cell number,
increased cochlear outer hair cell number,
increased metanephric mesenchyme apoptosis,
increased or absent threshold for auditory brainstem response,
increased otic epithelial cell apoptosis,
large nasal septum,
mandible hypoplasia,
neonatal lethality, complete penetrance,
no abnormal phenotype detected,
perinatal lethality, incomplete penetrance,
persistent ultimobranchial bodies,
preauricular pit,
preweaning lethality, incomplete penetrance,
retroesophageal right subclavian artery,
short endolymphatic duct,
small cranium,
small lung,
small otic vesicle
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