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Summary Expression Phenotypes Gene Literature (123) GO Terms (3) Nucleotides (283) Proteins (58) Interactants (728) Wiki

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Mertk-expressing microglia influence oligodendrogenesis and myelin modelling in the CNS., Nguyen LT, Aprico A, Nwoke E, Walsh AD, Blades F, Avneri R, Martin E, Zalc B, Kilpatrick TJ, Binder MD., J Neuroinflammation. November 6, 2023; 20 (1): 253.   

Repression of CENP-A assembly in metaphase requires HJURP phosphorylation and inhibition by M18BP1., Flores Servin JC, Brown RR, Straight AF., J Cell Biol. June 5, 2023; 222 (6):   

A Mixture of Chemicals Found in Human Amniotic Fluid Disrupts Brain Gene Expression and Behavior in Xenopus laevis., Leemans M, Spirhanzlova P, Couderq S, Le Mével S, Grimaldi A, Duvernois-Berthet E, Demeneix B, Fini JB., Int J Mol Sci. January 30, 2023; 24 (3):   

Characterization of immunoglobulin loci in the gigantic genome of Ambystoma mexicanum., Martinez-Barnetche J, Godoy-Lozano EE, Saint Remy-Hernández S, Pacheco-Olvera DL, Téllez-Sosa J, Valdovinos-Torres H, Pastelin-Palacios R, Mena H, Zambrano L, López-Macías C., Front Immunol. January 1, 2023; 14 1039274.   

Metamorphic gene regulation programs in Xenopus tropicalis tadpole brain., Raj S, Sifuentes CJ, Kyono Y, Denver RJ., PLoS One. January 1, 2023; 18 (6): e0287858.   

POLθ prevents MRE11-NBS1-CtIP-dependent fork breakage in the absence of BRCA2/RAD51 by filling lagging-strand gaps., Mann A, Ramirez-Otero MA, De Antoni A, Hanthi YW, Sannino V, Baldi G, Falbo L, Schrempf A, Bernardo S, Loizou J, Costanzo V., Mol Cell. November 17, 2022; 82 (22): 4218-4231.e8.   

Activity-dependent alteration of early myelin ensheathment in a developing sensory circuit., Chorghay Z, MacFarquhar D, Li VJ, Aufmkolk S, Schohl A, Wiseman PW, Káradóttir RT, Ruthazer ES., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 2022; 530 (6): 871-885.

Temporal and spatial transcriptomic dynamics across brain development in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Ta AC, Huang LC, McKeown CR, Bestman JE, Van Keuren-Jensen K, Cline HT., G3 (Bethesda). January 4, 2022; 12 (1):   

Teriflunomide Promotes Oligodendroglial 8,9-Unsaturated Sterol Accumulation and CNS Remyelination., Martin E, Aigrot MS, Lamari F, Bachelin C, Lubetzki C, Nait Oumesmar B, Zalc B, Stankoff B., Neurol Neuroimmunol Neuroinflamm. November 1, 2021; 8 (6):   

Organization of DNA Replication Origin Firing in Xenopus Egg Extracts: The Role of Intra-S Checkpoint., Ciardo D, Haccard O, Narassimprakash H, Arbona JM, Hyrien O, Audit B, Marheineke K, Goldar A., Genes (Basel). August 9, 2021; 12 (8):   

The study of the determinants controlling Arpp19 phosphatase-inhibitory activity reveals an Arpp19/PP2A-B55 feedback loop., Labbé JC, Vigneron S, Méchali F, Robert P, Roque S, Genoud C, Goguet-Rubio P, Barthe P, Labesse G, Cohen-Gonsaud M, Castro A, Lorca T., Nat Commun. June 11, 2021; 12 (1): 3565.   

Cellular response to spinal cord injury in regenerative and non-regenerative stages in Xenopus laevis., Edwards-Faret G, González-Pinto K, Cebrián-Silla A, Peñailillo J, García-Verdugo JM, Larraín J., Neural Dev. February 2, 2021; 16 (1): 2.   

Bruton's Tyrosine Kinase Inhibition Promotes Myelin Repair., Martin E, Aigrot MS, Grenningloh R, Stankoff B, Lubetzki C, Boschert U, Zalc B., Brain Plast. October 1, 2020; 5 (2): 123-133.   

The Borealin dimerization domain interacts with Sgo1 to drive Aurora B-mediated spindle assembly., Bonner MK, Haase J, Saunders H, Gupta H, Li BI, Kelly AE., Mol Biol Cell. September 15, 2020; 31 (20): 2207-2218.   

Kinesin Kif2C in regulation of DNA double strand break dynamics and repair., Zhu S, Paydar M, Wang F, Li Y, Wang L, Barrette B, Bessho T, Kwok BH, Peng A., Elife. January 17, 2020; 9   

PP2A-B56 binds to Apc1 and promotes Cdc20 association with the APC/C ubiquitin ligase in mitosis., Fujimitsu K, Yamano H., EMBO Rep. January 7, 2020; 21 (1): e48503.   

Regeneration enhancers: Starting a journey to unravel regulatory events in tissue regeneration., Rodriguez AM, Kang J., Semin Cell Dev Biol. January 1, 2020;   

Kif2a Scales Meiotic Spindle Size in Hymenochirus boettgeri., Miller KE, Session AM, Heald R., Curr Biol. November 4, 2019; 29 (21): 3720-3727.e5.   

Bioinformatics Screening of Genes Specific for Well-Regenerating Vertebrates Reveals c-answer, a Regulator of Brain Development and Regeneration., Korotkova DD, Lyubetsky VA, Ivanova AS, Rubanov LI, Seliverstov AV, Zverkov OA, Martynova NY, Nesterenko AM, Tereshina MB, Peshkin L, Zaraisky AG., Cell Rep. October 22, 2019; 29 (4): 1027-1040.e6.   

DnaJB6 is a RanGTP-regulated protein required for microtubule organization during mitosis., Rosas-Salvans M, Scrofani J, Modol A, Vernos I., J Cell Sci. June 3, 2019; 132 (11):   

Isolation of nanobodies against Xenopus embryonic antigens using immune and non-immune phage display libraries., Itoh K, Reis AH, Hayhurst A, Sokol SY., PLoS One. May 2, 2019; 14 (5): e0216083.   

Importin-9 wraps around the H2A-H2B core to act as nuclear importer and histone chaperone., Padavannil A, Sarkar P, Kim SJ, Cagatay T, Jiou J, Brautigam CA, Tomchick DR, Sali A, D'Arcy S, Chook YM., Elife. March 11, 2019; 8   

Developmental gene expression patterns in the brain and liver of Xenopus tropicalis during metamorphosis climax., Yaoita Y, Nakajima K., Genes Cells. December 1, 2018; 23 (12): 998-1008.   

Controllable protein phase separation and modular recruitment to form responsive membraneless organelles., Schuster BS, Reed EH, Parthasarathy R, Jahnke CN, Caldwell RM, Bermudez JG, Ramage H, Good MC, Hammer DA., Nat Commun. July 30, 2018; 9 (1): 2985.   

Xpo7 is a broad-spectrum exportin and a nuclear import receptor., Aksu M, Pleiner T, Karaca S, Kappert C, Dehne HJ, Seibel K, Urlaub H, Bohnsack MT, Görlich D., J Cell Biol. July 2, 2018; 217 (7): 2329-2340.   

FUS Phase Separation Is Modulated by a Molecular Chaperone and Methylation of Arginine Cation-π Interactions., Qamar S, Wang G, Randle SJ, Ruggeri FS, Varela JA, Lin JQ, Phillips EC, Miyashita A, Williams D, Ströhl F, Meadows W, Ferry R, Dardov VJ, Tartaglia GG, Farrer LA, Kaminski Schierle GS, Kaminski CF, Holt CE, Fraser PE, Schmitt-Ulms G, Klenerman D, Knowles T, Vendruscolo M, St George-Hyslop P., Cell. April 19, 2018; 173 (3): 720-734.e15.   

Dynamic rearrangement of the intrinsic ligand regulates KCNH potassium channels., Dai G, James ZM, Zagotta WN., J Gen Physiol. April 2, 2018; 150 (4): 625-635.   

Protein interactomes of protein phosphatase 2A B55 regulatory subunits reveal B55-mediated regulation of replication protein A under replication stress., Wang F, Zhu S, Fisher LA, Wang W, Oakley GG, Li C, Peng A., Sci Rep. February 8, 2018; 8 (1): 2683.   

HELLS and CDCA7 comprise a bipartite nucleosome remodeling complex defective in ICF syndrome., Jenness C, Giunta S, Müller MM, Kimura H, Muir TW, Funabiki H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 30, 2018; 115 (5): E876-E885.   

Aurora A activation in mitosis promoted by BuGZ., Huang Y, Li T, Ems-McClung SC, Walczak CE, Prigent C, Zhu X, Zhang X, Zheng Y., J Cell Biol. January 2, 2018; 217 (1): 107-116.   

Protein phosphatase 1 and phosphatase 1 nuclear targeting subunit-dependent regulation of DNA-dependent protein kinase and non-homologous end joining., Zhu S, Fisher LA, Bessho T, Peng A., Nucleic Acids Res. October 13, 2017; 45 (18): 10583-10594.   

Expression and Purification of the Pain Receptor TRPV1 for Spectroscopic Analysis., Velisetty P, Stein RA, Sierra-Valdez FJ, Vásquez V, Cordero-Morales JF., Sci Rep. August 29, 2017; 7 (1): 9861.   

Construction and characterization of a BAC library for functional genomics in Xenopus tropicalis., Spirhanzlova P, Dhorne-Pollet S, Fellah JS, Da Silva C, Tlapakova T, Labadie K, Weissenbach J, Poulain J, Jaffredo T, Wincker P, Krylov V, Pollet N., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 255-260.   

Xenopus laevis Kif18A is a highly processive kinesin required for meiotic spindle integrity., Möckel MM, Heim A, Tischer T, Mayer TU., Biol Open. April 15, 2017; 6 (4): 463-470.   

Splicing variation of Long-IRBIT determines the target selectivity of IRBIT family proteins., Kawaai K, Ando H, Satoh N, Yamada H, Ogawa N, Hirose M, Mizutani A, Bonneau B, Seki G, Mikoshiba K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 11, 2017; 114 (15): 3921-3926.   

Human amniotic fluid contaminants alter thyroid hormone signalling and early brain development in Xenopus embryos., Fini JB, Mughal BB, Le Mével S, Leemans M, Lettmann M, Spirhanzlova P, Affaticati P, Jenett A, Demeneix BA., Sci Rep. March 7, 2017; 7 43786.   

Imaging Myelination In Vivo Using Transparent Animal Models., Bin JM, Lyons DA., Brain Plast. December 21, 2016; 2 (1): 3-29.   

Mitotic noncoding RNA processing promotes kinetochore and spindle assembly in Xenopus., Grenfell AW, Heald R, Strzelecka M., J Cell Biol. July 18, 2016; 214 (2): 133-41.   

Electron microscopy of myelin: Structure preservation by high-pressure freezing., Möbius W, Nave KA, Werner HB., Brain Res. June 15, 2016; 1641 (Pt A): 92-100.

Chd7 cooperates with Sox10 and regulates the onset of CNS myelination and remyelination., He D, Marie C, Zhao C, Kim B, Wang J, Deng Y, Clavairoly A, Frah M, Wang H, He X, Hmidan H, Jones BV, Witte D, Zalc B, Zhou X, Choo DI, Martin DM, Parras C, Lu QR., Nat Neurosci. May 1, 2016; 19 (5): 678-89.   

A novel role for the tumour suppressor Nitrilase1 modulating the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway., Mittag S, Valenta T, Weiske J, Bloch L, Klingel S, Gradl D, Wetzel F, Chen Y, Petersen I, Basler K, Huber O., Cell Discov. January 5, 2016; 2 15039.   

Astrocytes phagocytose focal dystrophies from shortening myelin segments in the optic nerve of Xenopus laevis at metamorphosis., Mills EA, Davis CH, Bushong EA, Boassa D, Kim KY, Ellisman MH, Marsh-Armstrong N., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 18, 2015; 112 (33): 10509-14.   

An epigenetic regulator emerges as microtubule minus-end binding and stabilizing factor in mitosis., Meunier S, Shvedunova M, Van Nguyen N, Avila L, Vernos I, Akhtar A., Nat Commun. August 5, 2015; 6 7889.   

Inbreeding Ratio and Genetic Relationships among Strains of the Western Clawed Frog, Xenopus tropicalis., Igawa T, Watanabe A, Suzuki A, Kashiwagi A, Kashiwagi K, Noble A, Guille M, Simpson DE, Horb ME, Fujii T, Sumida M., PLoS One. July 16, 2015; 10 (7): e0133963.   

Structure and functional properties of Norrin mimic Wnt for signalling with Frizzled4, Lrp5/6, and proteoglycan., Chang TH, Hsieh FL, Zebisch M, Harlos K, Elegheert J, Jones EY., Elife. July 9, 2015; 4   

Aurora-A-Dependent Control of TACC3 Influences the Rate of Mitotic Spindle Assembly., Burgess SG, Peset I, Joseph N, Cavazza T, Vernos I, Pfuhl M, Gergely F, Bayliss R., PLoS Genet. July 1, 2015; 11 (7): e1005345.   

The Xenopus laevis Atg4B Protease: Insights into Substrate Recognition and Application for Tag Removal from Proteins Expressed in Pro- and Eukaryotic Hosts., Frey S, Görlich D., PLoS One. April 22, 2015; 10 (4): e0125099.   

Nup98 FG domains from diverse species spontaneously phase-separate into particles with nuclear pore-like permselectivity., Schmidt HB, Görlich D., Elife. January 6, 2015; 4   

Remyelination by Resident Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells in a Xenopus laevis Inducible Model of Demyelination., Sekizar S, Mannioui A, Azoyan L, Colin C, Thomas JL, Du Pasquier D, Mallat M, Zalc B., Dev Neurosci. January 1, 2015; 37 (3): 232-42.

Small ubiquitin-like modifier (SUMO)-mediated repression of the Xenopus Oocyte 5 S rRNA genes., Malik MQ, Bertke MM, Huber PW., J Biol Chem. December 19, 2014; 289 (51): 35468-81.   

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